[英中] 急 公文翻譯校對

作者: Miyuli (咖哩王)   2016-02-21 20:50:50
  本計畫執行期間,針對臺中市餐飲業進行712家業者進行油煙防制設備查核及輔導,並成功推動設置及改善空氣污染防制設備79家次,經計算約削減NMHC 16,888公斤及TSP 9,508公斤之污染排放,至12月31日止,79家餐飲業者未再發生民眾陳情之情事;油煙污染防制宣導說明會或座談會完成3場次、共計235人參與;紙錢集中燒及源頭減量方面,已完成辦理紙錢集中清運宣導說明會3場次,紙錢集中清運共計2,661.4公噸,經計算約削減TSP
9,070公斤之污染排放,能有效維護本市空氣品質。淨爐法會完成6場次。露天燃燒方面,好發季節現場查核完成481件,地籍資料查詢完成481處,以排放係數估算可協助削減TSP 2,775公斤、PM10 2,747公斤、SOx 498公斤、NOx 2,408公斤、CO 25,132公斤、THC 2,072公斤,以及NMHC
We have inspected and given advices the air pollution control devices of 712 catering industries for the cooking exhaust. In addition, we also have helped 79 companies to install or improve their air pollution control device until 31th of December. During its implementation period we eliminated 16,888 kg of NMHC and 9,508 kg of TSP in total. As a result, no further complaints were received till now. And we also completed 3 promotional explanation sessions or seminars related to the prevention and
control of cooking exhaust were taken in place. Furthermore, our team not only accomplished 6 incinerator cleansing rituals were taken in place but also completed 3 explanation sessions of the concentrated disposal of ritual money. In regard to the concentrated incineration of ritual money, there were totally 2,661.4 tons of ritual money were concentrated, it assist in decreased 9,070 kg of TSP. The inspection at exposed burning control was conducted in 481 locations during the season; and cadastral
information was checked in 481 locations. Using discharge coefficient to estimate, it assist in decreased 2,775 kg of TSP, 2,747 kg of PM10, 498 kg of SOx, 2,408 kg of NOx, 25,132 kg of CO, 2,072 kg of THC, and 1,864 kg of NMHC. In accordance with the first announced public place of indoor air quality management, which claimed by Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.), had been host a relevant regulations’ promotional explanation sessions. Presently Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung city
government has completed the CO2 inspection in 110 businesses, four parameters in 31 businesses, total fungi concentration and bacteria inspections in 10 kindergartens, and examination of the indoor air pollutant standard method in 13 public locations.
作者: rainform (醫護是醫療保健業。)   2016-02-21 21:30:00
作者: shuen1217 (Rebecca)   2016-02-22 01:55:00
去translator板發案 置底有費率可參考 急件再加價
作者: lzcdlcf (旋)   2016-02-23 02:34:00
這種專業的東西 花錢買吧

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