Five questions: New York Mets

作者: Phatmen (Keep viewing brightly)   2010-04-03 14:29:36
Five questions: New York Mets
by Jonathan Halket
April 02, 2010
Some questions are questions, others are really answers. The Mets enter the
2010 season with question marks hovering ominously over virtually every
player. There remains much that is unsure or even unknown about this team.
But the number and nature of so many of the questions should help us answer
two questions about the team's prospects and management's prospects.
How healthy is Jose Reyes? Will Jason Bay be a huge liability in left field?
What about Jeff Francoeur at the plate? Can the new, veteran catchers, Rod
Barajas and Henry Blanco, really help the pitching staff? How much will Luis
Castillo regress from last season? Will the bullpen be any good? Will David
Wright's power return? These are some of the questions that I don't ask—I
have only five. However, I might sneakily answer some of them as I deal with
some of the others.
Reyes還是健康寶寶嗎?Bay會擔起鎮守左外野跟大棒子的責任嗎?粉酷的選球呢 (這句
1. Whither Carlos Beltran?
When the Mets signed Beltran in 2005, they were buying the services of a
complete player. When healthy, he's been probably the best center fielder in
the game the past several years. After undergoing some sort of knee surgery
(at one point rumored to be microfracture surgery, but seemingly merely
arthroscopic in nature) this past season, there are naturally some questions
about how much speed he'll still have. Always an extremely savvy
base-stealer, he'd seen some decline in stolen base attempts in recent years
as his knee pain worsened.
05年簽下 Beltran之後,只要健康,大都會就是買到一個幾乎完美的頂級CF,但是動了
膝蓋手術後,想當然爾對他的速度就會有所質疑,Beltran 是一個很懂得抓盜壘時機的
However, the bigger reason to wonder about his speed is because of the runs
he saves in the field. As spacious as Citi Field's outfield is and with Bay
and Francoeur totemically manning left and right field, Beltran's leatherwork
is invaluable. A lost step in either direction could see many more doubles
for opposing hitters.
盜壘的問題還好,最大的問題還是在防守,Citi Field的外野這麼大,相較於 Beltran
的神威,左右外野的粉酷跟 Bay就只是收集公仔一般,如果失去了對飛球第一步的判斷
Angel Pagan should see the lion's share of playing time in center until
Beltran returns (at the earliest in mid-May). With a UZR of 5.8 and a batting
average of .306 last season, Pagan won't be a precipitous drop-off for the
Mets on the field or getting on base (though Beltran is much better at
drawing walks). Of course, if for some terrible reason the Mets choose to
play Gary Matthews Jr., then there will be calamity in center.
打擊率跟UZR 5.8的成績,即使Beltran比較會選BB,Pagan 還是不該被大都會免洗,當
The Mets won't be able to replace Beltran's power from the center field spot,
though. There has been some chatter in the ether forecasting a fall in
Beltran's power. Even THT's own projection, Oliver, barely has him breaking
20 home runs in any season for the rest of his career. I am not so dour; I
still see him staying above 25 home runs (based on a full season's number of
plate appearances). The dramatic fall in his HR/FB rate in 2009 to 10.8
percent echoes the fall in 2005 from which he rebounded nicely to his more
usual career levels. Even the slightest fall in power will be keenly felt,
though, because of the lack of power at other spots on the field.
我覺得還好啦!我覺得可以健康打完的話他每年還是可以有25轟以上,09年 HR/FB誇張
的 10.8%是05年的慘狀以後首見,在砲瓦這一環是牽一髮而動全身的,大都會其他位置
2. Does it really matter who's on first?
The biggest power difference between the Mets and the rest of the league will
come at first base. As any fantasy player knows, first base is stuffed with
power throughout the league. While the Mets had Carlos Delgado in the lineup,
the team was no different. No longer—neither likely starter Daniel Murphy
nor potential backups Mike Jacobs, Chris Carter and Fernando Tatis—is going
to bring league average power (for a first baseman) to the plate. (Just in
case you were wondering, Jacobs had a slugging percentage of only .401 last
year, which is off the map for a first baseman.)
Delgado 先發的時候是這樣啦!但是換成Murphy先發之後就差多了,即使是由Jacobs,
The Mets' hopes rest instead on either Murphy becoming a sort of Keith
Hernandez-esque line drive machine or on minor leaguer Ike Davis stepping-in
and winning the role and fans' hearts. Murphy does show great contact
percentage, which makes up for his low walk rates, and he does hit a lot of
doubles. But his groundball rate, at 40 percent, is a little uncomfortably
大都會希望Murphy或其他替補人選至少可以像 Keith Hernendez那樣很會打line drive
,或者像Ike Davis那樣即將成為戰力(至少要吸引球迷),Murphy的確有不錯的contact
跟還滿多的二安,多少彌補了選到很少BB的缺點,但是多達 40%的滾地球比例還是不太
Meanwhile, Davis had a nice spring training before being sent back down to
the minors for more seasoning. However, he doesn't project to be a huge power
threat—the consensus seems to be an upside best of around 25 home runs in a
full season at peak age. Maybe, maybe he'll out-project and hit more one day,
but probably not, and almost certainly not this season.
All this means that if the middle of the order batters are on base, the
bottom of order is going to struggle driving them in. With three from among
Castillo, Murphy, Francoeur and Barajas/Blanco at the bottom of the batting
order, there won't be many repercussions from walking the fifth spot. And
that's when the full lineup is healthy. With Murphy now injured, the opening
day lineup could look like: Pagan, Castillo, Wright, Bay, Francoeur, Jacobs,
Cora and Barajas.
Murphy現在要蹲在DL,開季大都會的lineup將會是 Pagan-Castillo-Wright-Bay-粉酷-
3. Will the starting pitching drive Mets fans to the bottle?
Johan Santana's coming back from elbow surgery but should be fine. Pray that
he is because the other starters can give ulcers. Everybody's wondering if
Mike Pelfrey is going to fulfill the potential that he kind of flashed in
2008. He's a riddle but he's now the team's No. 2.
得 Pelfrey在08年的大驚奇已經是他的天花板了,他還是個謎樣的投手但他現在是大都
Behind him are John Maine and Oliver Perez, both youngish guys who've
actually pitched better seasons than Pelfrey. But right now, they're even
bigger enigmas.
接著是 Maine跟Perez,他們都還年輕而且都有投過比Pelfrey更好的球季,但現在一切
Perez's Jekyll and Hyde routine is well known and he's shown no sign of
righting himself this spring. Maine is a more recent member of the asylum.
Last year, even when healthy, he was hugely inconsistent. In no start did he
go more than seven innings. Out of his 15 starts, he gave up at least five
runs five times, but also gave up fewer than two runs in seven starts. Both
on the mound and off, he rarely seems to be happy with the way he pitches.
All this means that Jonathon Niese, who just a week ago was still battling
for a spot on the major league roster, is now being fitted for the third spot
in the rotation (not that the order of the rotation is all that important).
Niese might actually be able to deliver on that spot, though he might also
struggle, much as Pelfrey did (and still does). Maine and, especially, Perez,
have the talent to be middle of the rotation pitchers. So, as an upside, the
team might have an above average rotation behind Santana. More likely,
though, is that team gets subpar contributions from at least one, probably
two or three and possibly all four pitchers.
4. "Should I buy my playoff tickets yet?"
Um, no. If this were the NHL or NBA, where eight teams from each league get
into the postseason, then maybe.
The management and even some members of the media would have us focus on what
MIGHT happen. Certainly, the Mets might make the playoffs; odder things have
happened. They have a quartet of players, who, if healthy, offer a more than
solid foundation to build a playoff or even championship team. Adding Bay
into that mix does not hurt.
;健康情況下大都會的確有不錯的球員,有不錯的球隊主幹,加入了 Bay之後看起來也
But the Mets aren't likely to make the playoffs. I can think of at least as
many scenarios that would have them finish below .500 as above it: Beltran
doesn't make it back as or when expected. Same for Reyes. Wright's power
doesn't return to normal. All would be mortal blows to the season. These are
just the things that went wrong last season that have to revert to normal; it
doesn't count the things that could go wrong this year that were normal last
year—like, say, if Francisco Rodriguez gets injured.
但其實大都會不太可能有季後賽,我覺得今年低於五成勝率的機會還比較高, Beltran
跟 Reyes都不太確定歸隊的日期,Wright的砲瓦好像也回不到從前,這些都可能砸了今
年。而且都還只是去年的問題而已喔!如果今年有新的問題還要再說,比如說 K-Rod如
And that's just to make it above 81 wins. To get into the playoffs, the
Mets'll probably need 14-15 wins from at least one of their non-Santana
pitchers and at least 10-11 from still two more. They'll need one and more
likely two among Castillo, Francoeur and Murphy to be positive offensively.
And the rest of the bullpen will need to be helpful as well. Basic
probability tells us that it is very unlikely that enough of these come true
for the Mets to put champagne on ice.
5. When will Omar Minaya and Jerry Manuel get their first unemployment checks?
Of course, it'll all depend on the team's performance. But chances are they
are fired when it becomes clear that the team isn't playoff bound, and
deservedly so. Manuel seems to have no vision for the team, no theory on
baseball to be held and hold himself accountable to. He's a dabbler who
repeats his past mistakes and abandons experiments whimsically.
Minaya seems to have marginally more focus. Of course, the contracts he's
given to Castillo and Perez are disasters that have handcuffed the team. He's
shown himself capable of signing other, more productive talent as long as he
pays top dollar. His trade for Santana has worked out well.
It is usual PR shtick to focus on possibilities, instead of probabilities
when talking with the media—like how Francoeur might maintain the production
he gave the team for half a season last year. The problem is that Minaya
might be drinking his own Kool-Aid; he buys into the upside too much. And his
little head-scratchers start to add up. Why did he trade for J.J. Putz
without giving him a physical? Why did he chase Heath Bell out of town? Why
sign Alex Cora to (effectively) a two-year, $2 million per year contract? Why
sign Cora, or any backup shortstop, that you're uncomfortable playing if
Reyes starts the season on the DL, especially when Reyes spent much of last
season on the DL? Why give up anything for Matthews?
麼給Cora這種等級的替補SS 4M/2y?當 Reyes開季要待在DL,可以預期球隊開季不太順
(drinking his own Kool-Aid這裡不太會翻,請大家幫個忙....)
Minaya seems to value intangible, unquantifiable traits. The nice thing about
them from an executive's perspective is that it is hard to be held
accountable for misreading them. Perhaps there are some intangibles that are
genuinely valuable, but if so, Minaya's hoarding of them hasn't been
reflected in the team's performance (has any team been less "clutch" in the
past three or four years?).
,Minaya對這些的堅持也沒有反應在球隊的實際表現上。 (過去三四年,有哪支球隊比
If there were any justice for the fans, the owners—the Wilpons—would be
fired as well. I doubt that Minaya would've done better unfettered, but it is
pretty clear that Jeff Wilpon was not helpful either—tales of how he was
caught up in the Rasputin-like influence of the assistant GM, Tony Bernazard,
seem telling. The Mets owners seem to remove problems only when the fans
start to blame the ownership for them; they're never out in front of the
如果對球迷要公平一點的話,老闆(Wilpons)也應該要走人,我懷疑 Minaya會解套,但
If/when Minaya and Manuel are fired, the essential thing for the team is that
the Wilpons (particularly Jeff Wilpon if he's calling the shots now) ask
themselves some tough questions: "Do I (Jeff) have enough knowledge of
business to help run operations at all? Do I have enough knowledge of
baseball to give input on personnel decisions?"
The team, despite its Bernie Madoff woes, will have more resources than most
other teams. With any luck, the Wilpons will hire a management team that
understands management and baseball, a team that uses its experiences to
learn from its mistakes, uses statistics and scouting properly to inform
decisions and doesn't reverse-engineer rationals for actions. Then maybe the
Wilpons can start thinking of putting some champagne on ice.
儘管像是 Bernie Madoff大悲劇一般的慘狀,這支球隊還是需要比其他球隊更多的對策
來處理,萬幸的是,Wilpons 將會雇用一個更了解球隊事物的經營團隊來用他們的經驗
作者: beygwa (Be a man)   2010-04-03 15:31:00
梅子加油吧 只是它讓人失望的機率真的不小...
作者: nolander (自己國家自己救)   2010-04-03 15:50:00
阿...又慢了 冏
作者: nolander (自己國家自己救)   2010-04-03 15:54:00
作者: nolander (自己國家自己救)   2010-04-03 15:56:00
我翻的就刪掉了 梅子板留著就好~
作者: kenny781558   2010-04-03 19:17:00
作者: nbahoop (我難過的是...)   2010-04-03 21:32:00
作者: signorange (orangedays)   2010-04-04 00:20:00
囧 K-rod受傷... 別烏鴉嘴阿
作者: vulcan1101 (戾)   2010-04-04 18:22:00

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