Five questions: St. Louis Cardinals

作者: javert (賈維)   2010-04-03 12:03:57
Aah, Spring Training is upon us and teams are sorting out their rosters for
the 2010 season. Coming off a successful 2009 in which they won 91 games and
made the playoffs, the Cardinals look to be in good shape going into this
season. They project to win somewhere between 85 (THT) and 92 games (PECOTA),
and win the division fairly easily over a hodge-podge of mediocre teams.
This is a team that features the best player in baseball in Albert Pujols, one
of the most sabermetric un-friendly but somehow still incredibly successful
managers in Tony LaRussa, a strong supporting cast and a history of success.
However, they are by no means a lock to have a good season and there are some
obvious questions surrounding them.
Will the supporting cast around Pujols be strong enough?
I already mentioned this, but Pujols is really, really good. Over the past
three seasons, he's been tied for first in the majors in batting average,
first in on base percentage and first in slugging average. To top that off,
according to UZR, he's been a +8 run defender per 150 games over that span.
No surprise that FanGraphs estimates he's been the most valuable position
player in baseball, totaling 25.6 Wins Above Replacement.
Despite that incredible production by Pujols, the Cardinals have not had much
success over the past three seasons. They were below .500 in 2007, missed the
playoffs in '08 and were swept out of the first round of the playoffs last
year. Much of that can be attributed to a less-than-stellar supporting cast
around Pujols. So will that trend hold true next year?
I don't think so. Yadier Molina has quietly become one of the better players
in baseball. He projects to be an average hitter, according to THT's Oliver
projections, and is also likely the best defensive catcher in the game. When
you combine those attributes you end up with an incredibly valuable player.
我不這麼認為。Yadier Molina已經靜悄悄的成為一位水準之上的球員。當平均的打擊
Colby Rasmus had a very solid rookie season in 2009. Despite some troubles
with his usually high walk rate, he showed very good power and played
excellent defense. Furthermore, at just 23 years old, he has plenty of room
for improvement.
Colby Rasmus有一個非常實在的09年球季。雖然保送不像平常那麼多,但是他的砲管
Matt Holliday was just signed to a huge deal and looks to be one of the best
left fielders in baseball. Ryan Ludwick had a down, but still solid, year
in 2009, but was one of the best players in baseball in 2008.
大聯盟的最佳左外野手之一的Matt Holliday剛簽下肥約。Ludwick雖然在09年有個小低
Brendan Ryan was outstanding with the leather last year, and despite an
pre-spring training injury, projects to be a capable hitter and an excellent
defender at a premium position.
Brendan Ryan拿著手套守備的表現(這裡我不太確定)可以用傑出來形容。
The Cardinals' new utiliy man, Felipe Lopez, had a .383 OBP last year and
signed for just over $1 million. Skip Schumaker has had over a .360 OBP in
each of the past three seasons, and showed a lot of improvement defensively
last year.
紅鳥還有只用1M就簽下.383上壘率的優替人Felipe Lopez和守備上大有進步而且連續三年
上壘率破.360的Skip Schumaker。
In short, the Cardinals look to have a very strong ensemble of position
players even once you get past Pujols, much better than it has been over the
past few seasons. That brings us to pitching...
How does the rotation stack up for the Cardinals?
Last year, the Cardinals' starting pitching was some of the best in baseball.
Their best three starters, Adam Wainwright, Chris Carpenter and Joel Pineiro,
combined for 639.2 innings last year and a 2.80 ERA. And despite some
struggles from the back end of the rotation (ahem, Todd Wellemeyer), the
Cardinals rotation put up the fourth best ERA in the majors last year.
去年紅鳥的先發好得可以在棒球史上站有一席之地。Adam Wainwright, Chris Carpenter
和Joel Pineiro組成的三巨頭用2.80的ERA吃掉了639.2局。如果忽略一些掙扎的後段班
(嗯哼,對,就是Todd Wellemeyer)紅鳥的輪值在去年可以排第四。
This year is another story. Pineiro, who harnessed the power of the sinker
last year to great improvement, has moved on to the American League, and as
good as Wainwright and Carpenter are, both probably got a bit lucky last year
and figure to regress, and the latter is a significant injury risk. Kyle
Lohse was really bad last year and got injured for the first time in his
career - he doesn't figure to be much better than league average.
複製去年帶有一點點運氣成份的成績,Carpenter還有很大的受傷風險。Kyle Lohse
The Cardinals paid more than $7 million for Brad Penny, who despite seeing a
resurgence in his fastball velocity, has been one of the worst starters in
baseball over the past two seasons. For the fifth starter spot, the Cardinals
seem to be employing the "throw sh*t at a wall and see what sticks"
technique, fostering a competition between rookie Jaime Garcia, who was
injured most of last year and has had very little experience in the high
minors, and Rich Hill, who has had historically bad control problems over the
past couple of years and is somewhat of a medical miracle.
補強的部份,紅鳥花了7M找了Brad Penny,雖然他的球速好像有起色,但是他已經用
看哪一坨會黏住」的技術,讓缺乏經驗而且受傷了大半季的Jaime Garcia和控球一直
有問題的醫學奇蹟Rich Hill來競爭這個位置。
Despite all of that, the Cardinals appear to have a solid rotation. According
to Oliver projections, here is how the rotation will likely perform next
雖然聽起來很糟,但是紅鳥還是會有個實在的輪值,根據Oliver projections,本季的輪
Name Projected IP Projected ERA
Chris Carpenter 180 2.85
Adam Wainwright 200 3.64
Brad Penny 120 4.67
Kyle Lohse 200 4.51
Jaime Garcia 75 4.76
Rich Hill 97 4.90
Carpenter and Wainwright project to be studs once again, and some combination
of the other four should give the Cardinals solidly average performance.
Furthermore, there is definitely some upside with each of Penny, Lohse, Hill
and Garcia, given that the first three have each had success in the majors
before and Garcia is considered one of the Cardinals' best prospects. To sum
up, the Cardinals most likely won't enjoy such as good a showing from their
rotation as they did in 2009; however, with the two-headed ace of Carpenter
and Wainwright and a solid back end, their starting pitcher should not be a
liability for them next seasons.
而且Penny, Lohse, Hill and Garcia之中,應該會有人表現的比預期好。畢竟,
How 'bout the pen?
While the bullpen for the Cardinals last year was very productive, putting up
the fifth best ERA in the majors, a lot of that was smoke and mirrors. Their
cumulative FIP was nearly .7 runs higher than their ERA and roughly in the
middle of the pack among the rest of the teams. Ryan Franklin was the biggest
impostor last year, somehow allowing just a 1.92 ERA despite a K:BB ratio
under 2 and average batted-ball rates. Furthermore, Franklin struggled
mightily in the last month of the season and the playoffs last year. Still,
he has quietly been one of the most effective relievers in baseball since
joining the Cardinals in 2007, and just signed a two-year extension. Like it
or not, he'll be the Cardinals' closer next year, and past history suggest he
should do a decent job.
牛棚團隊的FIP(Fielding Independent Pitching,衡量和守備無關的投球ERA),比他
們的團隊ERA高了.7,而且在所有的隊伍中只是中段班。其中Ryan Franklin尤其顯得宰制
Behind him is an assortment of "meh" pitchers: LOOGY's Trevor Miller and
Dennys Reyes, a guy with a 97 MPH fastball and not much else (Jason Motte),
and then a few interesting youngsters in Kyle McClellan, Mitchell Boggs and
Blake Hawksworth. As a whole, the pen projects to be decidedly boring, with
only Motte possessing any real strikeout capabilities, and not too effective.
Most importantly, they are lacking a clear bullpen ace who can shut down a
rally and consistently preserve one-run leads. To be honest, talking about
the Cardinals' bullpen depresses me a little bit, and I just have to keep
reminding myself that relievers simply aren't as important as the other
facets of a team.
在Franklin之後的還是一群差強人意的投手,一人左Trevor Miller和Dennys Reyes、除
了97MPH甚麼也沒有的Jason Motte、幾個有趣的年輕投手Kyle McClellan, Mitchell
Boggs and Blake Hawksworth。一言以蔽之,這是個無聊的牛棚,只有Jason Motte有
All in all, the Cardinals project to have a well-above average collection of
position players featuring two heavy hitters in the middle of the order in
Pujols and Holliday and a lot of depth around them. Their rotation looks to
be solidly above average, and even the pen is passable. They are projected to
be the best team in the NL Central for a reason, and with the bleak
situations of their divisional rivals, I expect that the Cardinals will have
an easy path to the playoffs. With the preview out of the way, I'd now like
to explore some of the more interesting questions regarding the 2010
How will Mark McGwire do as the hitting coach?
Mark McGwire可以當一個好的打擊教練嗎?
The Cardinals created quite a buzz this off season by announcing that Big Mac
would be their hitting coach for the 2010 season during the same time that he
formally admitted to taking steroids. And while the media was particularly
vicious at first, Tony La Russa and the rest of the Cardinals front office
did a good job of mitigating the situation. And while there are still some
questions about how McGwire's situation will affect the team in the long run,
the more interesting question in my opinion is how well he will do as a
hitting coach.
Last year, the Cardinals were a frustrating team to watch offensively at
times. Despite having a lineup full of talented players, the general approach
to each at-bat featured by players such as Rasmus, Ankiel, Duncan and Ludwick
was miserable. According to FanGraphs' O-Swing, which measures the percentage
of pitches swung at on pitches outside of the strike zone, the Cardinals were
one of the hackiest teams in baseball last year. When you combine that with
the fact that the hitting coach was preaching "aggressiveness" to the hitters
last year, it's no surprise that the Cardinals wanted to bring in someone
else. McGwire, with his career 17.2 percent walk rate, looks like a good
candidate to improve the Cardinals' hitting philosophy. Although there is no
way of knowing how good a teacher McGwire will be, I have a feeling he'll do
fine. Next question!
去年,紅鳥的進攻真是讓人垂頭喪氣。雖然紅鳥不缺有天份的球員,像Rasmus, Ankiel,
Duncan and Ludwick,但是上述球員的打擊讓人可以用悲慘來形容。紅鳥團隊的O-Swing
Just how bad is the Cardinals farm system?
Well according to Keith Law, they have the 29th best system in baseball. If
you are a Sickels kind of guy, they have... the 29th system in baseball. When
the Cardinals traded for Holliday and Mark DeRosa last year, they gave up a
lot of their best prospects, including Jess Todd, Chris Perez and Brett
Wallace. Considering they also graduated their best prospect, Colby Rasmus,
to a full-time big league job, it's no surprise that the system is in poor
shape right now.
根據Keith Law的排名,紅鳥農場名列第29。為了Holliday和Mark DeRosa,紅鳥的農場換
走了一大票頂級作物,包括Jess Todd, Chris Perez和Brett Wallace,加上Colby
This is not the first time that this has happened though. During the 100-win
years of 2004 and 2005, the Cardinals consistently had one of the worst farm
systems in baseball. They traded away countless top prospects for win-now
pieces, and after their 2006 World Series victory, they were in dire shape as
an organization. However, Jeff Luhnow, the Cardinals current Vice President
of Player Procurement and the big guy in charge of draft operations, did a
fantastic job of fixing up the system. He was able to act quickly and with
solid drafts was able to build up the Cardinals' system to be solidly in the
middle of the pack by last year.
農場系統已經岌岌可危了。但是副總裁Jeff Luhnow,這位負責選秀和獵球員的總裁成功
So while the system is in bad shape right now, I have confidence in Luhnow
and the Cardinals to build it back up. They have already taken a good first
step in that direction with a solid 2009 draft that netted them Shelby
Miller, a top 50 prospect according to Baseball America, and a very talented
Robert Stock. Furthermore, they had attempted to sign Wagner Mateo, a prime
talent in the Latin market, before the physical fell through. I know that
close is only good in horseshoes and hand grenades; however, the Cardinals'
willingness to spend money on top talent to improve their system is
auspicious for the system's health.
所以,雖然現在紅鳥的農場狀況很差,我相信Jeff Luhnow可以重建整個紅鳥的農場系
Miller和很有天份的球員Robert Stock。而且紅鳥也努力的試圖簽下Wagner Mateo,
To sum up today's preview of the 2010 Cardinals I'll mention a few more
points of interest that I wasn't able to get to fully in this article:
Colby Rasmus' expected improvement
對Colby Rasmus進步的預測
As a guy who spends so much of his time dealing with numbers and data, Rasmus
is in a weird place for me. None of the projection systems think very highly
of him next year (Oliver thinks he'll be downright terrible); however, just
by watching him play, there is a ton of potential there, both offensively and
defensively. He's under team control for the next five years, and I have a
hunch he'll be one of the best assets in baseball.
Pujols' contract situation
With the signing of Holliday, the Cardinals have sent a message that they are
ready to be a contending team year in and year out. That has always been
Pujols' first priority, and I really don't think he'll leave the Cardinals
even if they can't scratch up the dough that the Sox or Mets can. I have been
critical of the Holliday signing due to the shear amount of money involved;
however, if it helps the Cardinals to resign Pujols, I'd be greatly satisfied
with it.
How will the Cardinals advance on the analytical front
All signs point to the Cardinals having a very analytical front office. With
all of the potential new advances in technology this year (Hit f/x, Trackman,
as well as more comprehensive statistical database), I wonder how the
Cardinals will continue to gain a competitive advantage through analysis and
,用了很多 I(我),所以我就照著原文的意思把他個人的主觀風格翻出來,不知道大家
作者: kimifort (奇米堡)   2010-04-03 12:05:00
作者: chopinlee (稻葉)   2010-04-03 13:13:00
作者: waitla (のぶたパワー~注入!)   2010-04-03 23:17:00
replacement是替代層級 不是平均水準

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