[情報] Exchange Gold and Game Time 簡易翻譯 金幣換月卡 有錯指證

作者: magi6049 (麻糬)   2015-03-03 05:22:31
晚點回到電腦前重新上色 手機修文
Blizzard Introduces the WoW Token: Exchange Gold and Game Time
Blizzard has introduced the WoW Token - a way to exchange gold, real money,
and game time.
BZ推出 G & Time交換服務
It allows players to:
Buy game time with real money
Sell that game time for gold in-game
Buy game time with gold in-game.
How does it work?
Tokens are bought for real money on the in-game store.
Tokens are sold for gold in a special "Token Exchange" in the Auction House.
Tokens cannot be traded any other way than via the "Token Exchange"
Once a token has been purchased for gold, it cannot be sold on. It becomes
The "Market Price" appears to be calculated by region. This is likely to mean
that tokens are region locked, thereby allowing Blizzard to try to deal with
currency exchange issues.
Sellers cannot set a price for their token
There is no bidding, just an exchange rate calculated per region by Blizzard
Token在Token拍賣所賣玩家(G) 且只能在此交易
Token交易後即綁定 無法繼續交易
Token的價格由BZ浮動機制決定 玩家完全不能操作這部分
以下為官方公告 http://goo.gl/MQ2UYu
Coming soon to an Azeroth near you: the WoW Token, a new in-game item that
allows players to simply and securely exchange gold and game time between
each other.
魔獸世界 Token 即將出現 將可合法交易 G&點數
Players will be able to purchase a WoW Token through the in-game Shop for
real money, and then sell it on the Auction House for gold at the current
market price. When a player buys a WoW Token from the Auction House for gold,
the Token becomes Soulbound, and the player can then redeem it for 30 days of
game time.
透過 Token 專用 AH 買賣
Want to buy a WoW Token for gold? Head to the new Game Time tab in the
Auction House, and purchase one immediately for the current gold buyout price
—there’s no bidding involved.
想買 WOW Token? 直接在交易所購買 無法競標
When you put a WoW Token up for sale, you’ll be quoted the amount of gold you
’ll receive once someone buys it—you’re guaranteed to get that amount no
matter how the market moves.
無論市場如何改變 絕對不會被騙G
The WoW Token was created to give players with lots of extra gold the option
to use it to help cover their subscription cost, and give those who want to
purchase gold a way to do so from fellow players through a secure,
easy-to-use system. The Token will be making its debut in an upcoming patch—
in the meantime, check out the FAQ below for details on how it works.
WOW Token 是官方建立 安全 合法 簡易 的購買 G 管道 將在下次 patch 上線
Q: How do I buy a WoW Token for real money?
A: WoW Tokens will be available for purchase for real money through the World
of Warcraft in-game Shop. You can access the Shop through the row of feature
buttons next to your character’s bags.
Q: 怎麼買 Token?
A: 透過線上商店購買
Q: I need gold! How do I sell a WoW Token to another player?
A: You’ll be able to sell WoW Tokens through a dedicated Token exchange in
the Auction House, located in a new Game Time section. WoW Tokens cannot be
traded or sold any other way.
Q: 我要G 怎麼賣給玩家Token?
A: 透過Token交易所買賣 除此之外沒其他方法
Q: How much gold will I receive when I sell a WoW Token?
A: The gold value of a Token will be determined dynamically based on supply
and demand. When you put a Token up for sale, you’ll be quoted the amount of
gold you’ll receive upon a successful sale. If you then decide to place the
Token up for sale, that amount is locked in, and the gold will be sent to
your mailbox after another player purchases your Token.
Q: Token能賣多少G?
A: 當你要賣時 就會給你當下的匯率 有人買就拿到啦
Q: I need game time! How do I buy a WoW Token from the Auction House?
A: When you visit the Auction House, you’ll be presented with the current
market price for a WoW Token in your game region—there’s no bidding
involved, and all Tokens in a game region are priced the same at any given
moment. If you decide to purchase one, you’ll receive it in your mailbox,
and can then immediately redeem it for game time.
Q: 我要買點數 怎麼買Token?
A: 價格浮動 會在一段時間更新一次 見好下手
Q: How much game time do I get by redeeming a WoW Token?
A: You’ll receive 30 days of game time when you redeem a WoW Token.
Q: Token可以換多少點數?
A: Token = 月卡
Q: Can I resell a WoW Token after I’ve purchased it for gold?
A: No, each WoW Token can only be sold once. After you purchase a Token for
gold, it becomes Soulbound. At that point, it can only be redeemed for game
Q: 用G買了Token後可以轉售嗎?
A: 無法 買了就綁定 就只能存月卡了
Q: How much will a WoW Token cost on the Shop?
A: Pricing details will be announced at a later date.
Q: Token價格怎麼賣?
A: 晚點公佈
Q: Why are you introducing the WoW Token feature?
A: We’ve heard feedback from players that they’d be interested in a secure,
legitimate way to acquire gold that doesn’t involve the use of unauthorized
third-party gold-selling services—one of the primary sources of account
compromises. We also know players who’ve amassed large amounts of gold
through regular play would be interested in the ability to trade some to
other players in exchange for game time, helping cover their subscription
costs. The WoW Token feature gives players on both sides of the equation a
secure and straightforward way to make that exchange. It opens up a new kind
of payment option for World of Warcraft players, and we hope that it will
also help lead to fewer account compromises and a better game experience
Q: 為什麼要做 Token 系統?
A: 因為 G & 月卡 交易需求很大 由官方建立一個 簡單 安全 快速 的系統
Q: How is acquiring gold by selling a WoW Token different from buying gold
from third-party services?
A: Buying gold from third-party services negatively impacts the game
experience for everyone. The overwhelming majority of the gold these services
provide comes from stolen player accounts, halting the victims’ ability to
play the game and contribute to their guilds. On top of this, gold selling
companies often farm resources using hack programs, sell fake product codes
as a scam, and spam entire realms with ads to buy gold, disrupting the game
in very real ways.
The WoW Token allows players to exchange real money for gold in a secure and
sanctioned way—together with the ongoing efforts of our developers, support
staff, and anti-hack teams to stop the exploits these companies use and help
players who have become victims of their operations, we hope the Token can
help make World of Warcraft a safer and more enjoyable game for all of our
Q: 這跟地下交易有什麼不同?
A: WOW Token 可以安全的購買月卡 不會被詐騙
Q: Why can’t players set their own prices for the WoW Token?
A: The WoW Token feature is designed to facilitate the exchange of gold and
game time between players in as secure, convenient, and fair a way as
possible, and without making players feel like they’re playing a game with
their hard-earned money. Having a set current market price and a
straightforward exchange system is the best way to achieve that—you don’t
need to worry about whether your Token will sell or not due to being undercut
or the market shifting, and everyone receives exactly the amount of gold they
were quoted.
Q: 為什麼 Token 價格不能自訂?
A: Token 系統 建立在 安全 便捷 公平 方式買賣 所以由官方決定價格
不會買到與市價不符的 Token 價格
Q: What happens if the price quoted to me is different from what the Token
actually sells for?
A: You will always receive the gold amount quoted to you at the time you
place a Token up for sale, regardless of what the current price is when the
item actually sells.
Q: 丟上Token交易所時的價格與賣出時的價格不同會如何?
A: 不管賣多少 都會給您您上架時的價格
Q: How long should I expect to receive my gold after putting a Token up for
sale? How does the game determine whose Token to sell?
A: The amount of time it takes to receive your gold after putting a Token up
for sale depends on a variety of factors, including the current supply and
demand. When you list a Token, you’ll be quoted an estimated time based on
the current Token supply and the rate of recent transactions, but the actual
amount of time it takes to sell is likely to vary (note that Tokens do not
expire). In most cases, Tokens are sold in the order in which they were put
up for sale; however, there are some exceptions to this, such as when a Token
purchase is undergoing verification.
Q: Token放上交易所後 多久可以拿到G? 怎麼決定先賣誰的?
A: 基本上依照放上的時間順序賣出 且 無下架時間 除非金流(paypal之類的)還在驗證
Q: If I buy a WoW Token from the Auction House, how long does it take to
receive the Token?
A: Just like a standard Auction House purchase, it will normally arrive in
your mailbox nearly instantaneously.
Q: 我買 Token 多久可以收到?
A: 買了就會出現在郵箱
Q: If I’m buying a WoW Token for real money from the in-game Shop, how long
does it take to receive it?
A: Once you successfully complete a purchase, your Token should arrive in
your inventory (or mailbox, if your inventory is full) almost immediately.
Q: 現金買 Token 多久會收到?
A: 會在您的倉庫 或 郵箱(倉庫滿了的話)
Q: Do Tokens expire? What happens if I accidentally delete one?
A: No, Tokens do not expire. They also can’t be deleted, so no need to fear
accidentally trashing them.
Q: Token 會過期嗎? 可以刪?
A: Token不能刪 也不會過期
Q: Can I stop my auction or receive a refund after it was purchased (for gold
or real money)?
A: All transactions are considered final and auctions cannot be cancelled, so
make sure you’re certain you want to proceed before listing or buying a
Token. To help prevent unintentional transactions, you will be prompted to
confirm your purchase or sale before it’s finalized.
Q: Token 交易完成後能取消嗎?
A: 一手交錢 一手交貨 沒得談
Q: Is there a deposit? Does the Auction House take a cut of the Token seller’
s gold?
A: There’s no deposit, and the Auction House does not take a cut of the gold
for WoW Token sales. The standard deposit is designed to dissuade players
from spamming the auction house with items that aren’t selling, and the
standard cut is designed to dissuade players from buying and reselling items
for minuscule markups. These issues don’t apply to the WoW Token, so there’
s no need for a deposit or cut.
Q: 賣Token需要保證金嗎?賣Token要花到G?
A: 沒有壓價問題 所以不用保證金 也不用花到任何G
感謝 Parhelia 指正 凌晨有點昏亂翻了
Q: Will each game region have its own WoW Token exchange? Will everyone in a
game region have access to it?
A: Each game region—Americas (including ANZ realms), Europe, Taiwan, Korea,
and China—will have its own shared WoW Token exchange. We’ll share
additional details at a later date.
Q: Token 是區域還是全球的? 每個地區都會開放嗎?
A: 每個區域都是分開的 更多細節晚點公佈
作者: sillymon (塑膠袋)   2015-03-03 06:00:00
作者: sunrise0330 (太陽花)   2015-03-03 06:27:00
作者: chx64 (雪人)   2015-03-03 06:30:00
作者: tsubasawolfy (悠久の翼)   2015-03-03 07:31:00
作者: feghost (老鐵)   2015-03-03 08:25:00
作者: gekisen (阿墨)   2015-03-03 08:30:00
亞洲特別瓜農版要怎麼算匯率呢 令人期待
作者: vergilmir (.)   2015-03-03 08:43:00
...在D3弄了一次,覺得不夠失敗 WOW再弄一次
作者: SnakeO (ha)   2015-03-03 08:44:00
作者: omage ( )   2015-03-03 08:58:00
作者: cookieyue (有力/沒力)   2015-03-03 09:00:00
作者: omage ( )   2015-03-03 09:00:00
作者: devilshadow (大濕胸)   2015-03-03 09:01:00
作者: marvyuh (台南清水健)   2015-03-03 09:08:00
作者: goenitzx   2015-03-03 09:09:00
作者: Beetch (必取)   2015-03-03 09:10:00
作者: iam0718 (999)   2015-03-03 09:10:00
D3失敗的經驗讓BZ覺得很COOL美版可能打錢工比較少 台版一堆 不知道價格怎算
作者: sai007788 (九條寺サイ)   2015-03-03 09:21:00
作者: BearJW ( )   2015-03-03 09:22:00
看來只能合法買G 但是不能賣G
作者: tsubasawolfy (悠久の翼)   2015-03-03 09:22:00
作者: flyiii (海子海)   2015-03-03 09:23:00
可以賣G阿,拿G買token,再把token換給要用的人我比較好奇會不會有一票人因為開放官方RMT之後不玩 XD
作者: tsubasawolfy (悠久の翼)   2015-03-03 09:25:00
台服工作室會收攤吧 XDD 不過還是先看定價
作者: sillymon (塑膠袋)   2015-03-03 09:26:00
定價太貴->玩家不爽買 定價太便宜->賣家自己喊賣
作者: kungen (DK imba)   2015-03-03 09:27:00
作者: maple0935 (楓)   2015-03-03 09:27:00
暴雪英霸真的貴 少部分100台幣 其他都200+ SKIN也貴
作者: BearJW ( )   2015-03-03 09:27:00
我意思賣G是把G轉成現金 現在是轉成token 而且還不能交易
作者: tsubasawolfy (悠久の翼)   2015-03-03 09:28:00
BZ IMBA的價格對上班族來說是還好...學生就不一定
作者: BearJW ( )   2015-03-03 09:28:00
交易後即綁定 還能換給要用的人?
作者: sillymon (塑膠袋)   2015-03-03 09:28:00
可以賣啊 轉成TOKEN拿去賣別的玩家 就變成G啦
作者: maple0935 (楓)   2015-03-03 09:28:00
用遊戲幣買贏+30輸了20 靠每日跟其他獎勵要賺好久Q_Q
作者: sillymon (塑膠袋)   2015-03-03 09:29:00
喔喔 我懂你的意思了
作者: maple0935 (楓)   2015-03-03 09:29:00
作者: prismwu   2015-03-03 09:34:00
反正BZ一定先拿歐美做實驗 然後再出個亞洲版
作者: qaz12wsx45 (我是我自己)   2015-03-03 09:36:00
這個TOKEN 無法私下交易吧? 看來只能夠透過官方來賣而且一旦買到手上 就變成了榜定 根本不行二次交易
作者: BearJW ( )   2015-03-03 09:38:00
BZ現在對現金交易動作頻頻 D3也準備在陸版搞商城模式
作者: sillymon (塑膠袋)   2015-03-03 09:39:00
台WOW現在被做出來的G應該突破天際了吧 玩家貧富差距也是 真不知道他價錢要怎麼定
作者: maple0935 (楓)   2015-03-03 09:40:00
作者: BearJW ( )   2015-03-03 09:42:00
所有TOKEN都是現金取得的 價格又是BZ規定的 所以市場上有多少G都跟bz沒關係的意思
作者: tsubasawolfy (悠久の翼)   2015-03-03 09:43:00
作者: rufjvm12345 (小飯)   2015-03-03 09:43:00
瓜農目標應該是現金 而這系統不會讓你取得現金對一般玩家而言 這系統很好 用G買月卡 或月卡買G但是瓜農只能G買卡 然後..繼續掛(? 再買卡(?
作者: barbeilt (亨利)   2015-03-03 09:56:00
作者: hina5611 (欣)   2015-03-03 09:59:00
咦?不是機器人繼續打錢 拿2成分出來付月卡 8成繼續賣嗎?
作者: wzmildf (我不是蘿莉控)   2015-03-03 10:00:00
作者: rufjvm12345 (小飯)   2015-03-03 10:03:00
哪種匯率 卡換G? 還是G換卡?
作者: lonelysam (挺湖小旋風)   2015-03-03 10:04:00
作者: lucky360 (加摩爾會保護大家的)   2015-03-03 11:04:00
這一堆外掛機器人本來要用台幣買月卡 現在只要用G買我覺得智凡迪營收會下降
作者: BearJW ( )   2015-03-03 09:43:00
作者: alan5 (小安)   2015-03-03 11:07:00
反而不會吧 這月卡要有供才有需 瓜農用G買 其他人會用錢買
作者: steven869200 (ぜよ)   2015-03-03 11:12:00
深藍色傷眼難閱讀= =
作者: iam0718 (999)   2015-03-03 11:13:00
作者: alan5 (小安)   2015-03-03 11:13:00
作者: sillymon (塑膠袋)   2015-03-03 11:16:00
怎麼會下降啊 月卡TOKEN又不是憑空冒出來XD
作者: Parhelia (Macroprocessing)   2015-03-03 11:18:00
"deposit"是保證金 XD 那題是說放token出去賣會預扣賣家的G當保證金嗎 (答案是不會)我想說官方Q&A怎麼會出現這麼瞎的問答 XD
作者: bl00din (幻想體)   2015-03-03 11:24:00
之前看老外預估2萬以內 台服應該10倍
作者: chuchu000 (chuchu000)   2015-03-03 11:31:00
作者: Allen0315 (老艾)   2015-03-03 11:31:00
用其他顏色會比較容易閱讀 黃色 綠色 或是藍綠色
作者: angol1337 (凱風快晴)   2015-03-03 11:33:00
大概跟D3 AH賣寶石相似機制吧 越買越貴 越賣越便宜
作者: magi6049 (麻糬)   2015-03-03 11:43:00
作者: scott90213 (剛好而已)   2015-03-03 12:38:00
怎不乾脆 讓黑市賣卡就好 市場機制會自動反映各服幣值
作者: PPPGGG (凸( ゚∀゚)凸)   2015-03-03 13:18:00
作者: alan5 (小安)   2015-03-03 13:22:00
因為如果都黑市賣卡的話他就收不到純花G買月卡的錢了簡單講 瓜農就一直靠這樣生存 連月卡錢都不用出純黑市賣卡 賠錢的生意會有人做?
作者: vergilmir (.)   2015-03-03 13:27:00
作者: goenitzx   2015-03-03 13:33:00
作者: vergilmir (.)   2015-03-03 13:35:00
作者: Khadgar (Khadgar)   2015-03-03 13:52:00
作者: goenitzx   2015-03-03 14:37:00
普通人會用G買月卡啊 會說不會買大慨是你不知道遊戲中錢很多的人可以多到多少 我預估超過千萬的可能都有不少
作者: jokerf (花草)   2015-03-03 15:20:00
作者: GeogeBye (bye)   2015-03-03 15:27:00
我是這版本初有小賺一點 目前100出頭
作者: winklly (阿鳥)   2015-03-03 15:43:00
台服這機制不太能上 不過搞不好可以逼智x迪認真抓瓜農
作者: tcancer (Vairocana)   2015-03-03 16:08:00
作者: kyo76312 (餅乾)   2015-03-03 16:12:00
作者: NTJL ( )   2015-03-03 16:13:00
無感 G才1X萬~ 根本買不到什麼
作者: Dancekwang   2015-03-03 16:18:00
作者: pentwo (Yap~)   2015-03-03 16:31:00
工作室怎麼賺?我繼續8591賣G?賣G換月餅然後繼續包月賺G然後G在換月卡,不斷循環?還是我有盲點 囧
作者: skytrek (skytrek)   2015-03-03 16:35:00
樓上 你這方法要賺錢的前提是官方的月餅價要低於數字網
作者: pentwo (Yap~)   2015-03-03 16:39:00
作者: ANOTHERK (蛋哥)   2015-03-03 16:45:00
現實的情況一定是去數字網買g 在用g去買月卡
作者: Lemmings (小旅鼠)   2015-03-03 16:54:00
智x迪表示 月卡只能用mycard交易 其於管道都禁止
作者: pentwo (Yap~)   2015-03-03 16:55:00
作者: goenitzx   2015-03-03 17:02:00
主要是幣商註定要跟著匯率走 一直到沒錢賺為止
作者: winklly (阿鳥)   2015-03-03 17:08:00
主要是定價 要是價格讓瓜農可以同時農錢跟買月卡我想智X迪不是不開放就是得認真抓瓜農
作者: winiS (維尼桑)   2015-03-03 17:46:00
作者: maple0935 (楓)   2015-03-03 17:56:00
生命會自己找到出路的 除非沒油水不然工作室一定在
作者: pentwo (Yap~)   2015-03-03 17:57:00
作者: forWinds (審判之羽)   2015-03-03 17:58:00
隔壁棚買斷制 有GEM<=>G 也是很多工作室在賣幣 為了不被打擾 我都改隱身上線 我不知道它們密人的機制是怎麼辦到的 一上線就一串賣幣網址(扶額) 隱身才能躲掉= =
作者: goenitzx   2015-03-03 18:49:00
也許官方反而更不用去認真抓了 幣商/外掛說不定自然消滅

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