[英中] 詢問該文章中文翻譯內容為何?

作者: cellline (PiPi)   2015-09-17 02:24:02
The Contractor’s Project Manager and the Purchaser’s designated Job Site
Representative will create a plus/minus list of additional services or cost
occurred that are outside of the scope of the original contract. The list
will be updated on an “as required” basis and will include a description of
the particular item, the party that will do the work, an estimated cost of
the work, and name the “Purchaser”, the Contractor”, or “to be determined
” as the party responsible for the costs incurred.
作者: lastballad (ㄟ口)   2015-09-17 14:23:00
板規有寫喔 要問翻譯至少先附上自己試譯的版本

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