[評價] 107-2 陳偉松 數理邏輯簡介

作者: oopzzozzo (π)   2020-08-16 22:51:25
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ψ 授課教師 (若為多人合授請寫開課教師,以方便收錄)
λ 開課系所與授課對象 (是否為必修或通識課 / 內容是否與某些背景相關)
δ 課程大概內容
Lesson 1. Preliminaries
Lesson 2. Compactness theorem for propositional calculus
Lesson 3. Proof system in propositional calculus
Lesson 4. Completeness of propositional calculus
Lesson 5. First-order logic (FO) part I
Lesson 6. First-order logic (FO) part II
Lesson 7. Logical consequences and theories
Lesson 8. Proof system in FO
Lesson 9. Gödel's completeness theorem
Lesson 10. Löwenheim-Skolem theorem and categorical sets
Lesson 11. Gödel's incompleteness theorem part. I
Lesson 12. Gödel's incompleteness theorem part. II
Lesson 13. Decision problems in FO
Lesson 14. Some topics in logic in computer science
Ω 私心推薦指數(以五分計) ★★★★★
η 上課用書(影印講義或是指定教科書)
μ 上課方式(投影片、團體討論、老師教學風格)
2019.2.18 Course Info
Who likes 2:20? (silent) No one likes 2:20. Let's make it 2:30. (laughter) Or 2:00? 2:00 is even better, I can go home earlier.
2019.2.18 Course Info
No course on April first. Okay everyone is happy.
2019.2.18 Space
I will give you a format for your homework. If you want to write by hand, you can print it out, I will give you space. If you use more than the space, then your answer is wrong.
2019.2.18 Know something by hard
You know how to know something by hard right? Suppose somebody wakes you up at midnight, "what is countable sets?", "Let N be the set of natural numbers......" something like that Okay?
2019.2.25 Logical consequences
If you want to show this and don't know how to show this, show this. If you want to show this and don't know how to show this, show this. If you want to show this and don't know how to show both, well, good luck. If you don't know how to show both, then, ask your friend.
2019.3.4 Proof
Sometimes I write a proof, I think it's a good proof and I submit it to my teacher. But the teacher says that this is not a proof it is nonsense. And my friend who wrote something that I think is nonsense, got full credits. This always happens, what is a proof?
2019.3.4 ~(a * ~b)
What is your reaction to this? If you write this in your homework my reaction is "I want to mark this wrong," so I don't need to read it.
2019.3.4 Experts
Some experts are very expert. They think that everything is the same.
2019.3.3 Homework
Being a teacher is good if you don't know, then homework!
2019.3.11 Claim
If you don't know how to prove, write "claim". Though you don't know how to prove at least you write something, and you feel confident.
2019.3.11 Computer science
Maybe someday you are super smart and learn some sophisticated mathematics. It might say something would be true only with the axiom of choice. For me, I stop at countable. But this is okay, for computer science.
Okay, all that we have done is good. We have used sophisticated things as Zorn's lemma.
2019.3.18 Philosopher's talk
Who has class on Friday? It's okay if you have class on Friday. But in May, May 10. There will be a talk about logic, at 104. A philosopher, I don't know philosophers, but I am hosting the talk. It's about logic.
2019.3.18 VAR
VAR stands for "variable". If you watch football VAR stands for Video Assistant Referee.
2019.3.18 Definition
For this week and next week, there are no theorems only definitions. Two years ago, someone said that logic is boring, there are only definitions. What can I do about that?
2019.3.25 Equi-satisfiable
This his hard. (?) Because it is a trick. (?) Well, in computer science it is useless. How can you introduce a function?
2019.3.25 Wake-up
I suppose you take this course because you are interested, so I tell you a story to wake you up.
2019.4.8 Embarrass
Just to make sure you know because if you pass this class and someone asks you and you don't know. It is embarrassing, for me.
2019.4.8 Incompleteness
Completeness theorem is for proof systems, Incompleteness theorem is for theories. Even if you don't understand, you can show off to your friend.
2019.4.15 Proof system
These five rules are rules of propositional logic. We use it in our everyday, proof, not everyday life. Maybe everyday life.
2019.4.15 Hard
Who finds the homework hard? (someone raises its hand) Ah~ someone finds it hard, is the English hard? Or the logic hard?
2019.4.15 Grow a tree
When you take linear algebra, you don't grow a tree.
2019.4.15 Logician
Logicians like this kind of proof, everything is from definitions. Frankly speaking, I like this kind of proof.
2019.4.29 Nothing
The course itself contains nothing. Not nothing, everything is elementary
2019.4.29 Alaph
Alaph is Hebrew, in Hebrew, they write from right to left like ancient Chinese. Why, because in the old-time people write with a hammer, and our right hand is stronger. Today, we write with ink, so we write from left to right. Some history.
2019.4.29 Alphabet
In Greek, we have alpha, beta ..., that's why we have "alphabet". Some history. I know a little more than logic.
2019.4.29 Y
Y = Z union Gamma, Why is Y satisfiable? Maybe not Y, Z.
2019.4.29 Skolem paradox
It is called a paradox because it looks like a paradox.
2019.5.13 Program
The program here can be C++, your favorite language, (?), or Java or Python.
2019.5.13 Assumptions
Sometimes you come to me and say "why my proof is not a proof and his proof is a proof". I'd say maybe you use different assumptions. When you can't prove something, you assume it. Mathematicians do this too. And Godel says that there is always something you have to assume.
2019.5.13 Incompleteness
This is Godel's Incompleteness Theorem. No Theory of everything, no bible ... For us, as a CS student, it means what it says, no philosophy meanings.
2019.5.13 Computers
A long long time ago, what do we have? Maybe we have stones. Okay, a long long time ago, we don't have computers, but we want to build computers.
2019.5.20 Delicate
Step 1, is technical, and Step 2, is delicate. You know delicate, it's short but it's confusing.
2019.5.20 ?
student: What is the intuitive meaning of Beta and gamma?
What can I say? well, it takes time.
2019.5.20 Understand
It takes time to understand. Even you ask me if I understand? Well, I don't know.
2019.5.20 Admire
(Shows Godel's paper by projector) I don't understand this, no one understands this, but we can admire this.
2019.5.27 Arithmetic hierarchy
(Draws the arithmetic hierarchy over half a whiteboard). For us computer scientists, computer scientists, what do we care about? (fills a fingernail size region on delta_0) We only care about this.
2019.5.27 Problem
I have a problem, I don't know what to teach next week.
2019.6.3 Messed up
Sorry, I am messed up. I am always messed up.
2019.6.3 hierarchy
As usual, hierarchy means there is, hierarchy. Level.
2019.6.3 Different
What is the difference between mathematicians and computer scientists? Mathematicians say this language is easy. What is it, it's \Sigma^0_3. A language is hard, it's \pi^1_4. For computer scientists, NP, oh! this problem is so hard.
2019.6.3 Take pictures
You all take pictures. This makes me nervous, maybe the index is wrong.
2019.6.3 End of course
I admit that I do not teach as well as the year before, but I hope you learned something... You can do anything you want now, you know some logic. The most important thing is, do not say some nonsense about incompleteness theorem.
σ 評分方式(給分甜嗎?是紮實分?)
100% 作業,習慣準時交作業的人應該不是問題。
ρ 考題型式、作業方式
ω 其它(是否注重出席率?如果為外系選修,需先有什麼基礎較好嗎?老師個性?
加簽好像是全簽,期末班上是 44 個人吧。
Ψ 總結
其實我只是畢業前想用 112ip 賺 P 幣順便清硬碟而已。
作者: allan08 (allan08)   2020-08-17 00:37:00
作者: t1016d (jo4)   2020-08-19 15:00:00
讀到一半想說這個語錄藏了一年再 po 也太猛了吧 XD
作者: aristoIris   2020-08-19 20:58:00
作者: tryptochan (tpr)   2020-08-22 07:50:00
作者: unmolk (UJ)   2020-08-23 05:24:00

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