[情報] 9/17 DailyHoroscope

作者: stevenyin10 (stevenyin5210)   2018-09-17 08:23:15
You may be judging yourself very harshly over a mistake you made, perhaps recently. You know there were other, better ways to deal with a situation, and you could have taken the high road; but now it's too late to turn back and do it right. But you are only human, Libra, and everyone makes mistakes. By judging yourself so harshly and dwelling in such deep regret, you are taking away your chance to make things better. Use your energy to turn things around. It is not too late.
你可能最近非常自責自己在你最近犯的一個錯上面。 你知道有著更好的方法處理這個狀況而你原本可以不跟它一般見識,但一切都太遲了。因為你是凡人,秤秤,凡是人都會犯錯。假如你一直沈浸在後悔之中的話,會錯過更多。用你的力量改變吧!還不是太遲。
Harshly (adv.) 嚴厲地
Dwell in sth(v.) 居住 這邊翻成限於
Take the high road 不跟你一般見識
今天開學 累
作者: preikestolen (flying up high)   2018-09-17 09:00:00
推 take the high road感覺這裡應該可以翻成別的to take the course of action which is safest andmost familiar (Collins Dictionary)

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