[情報] DailyHoroscope 9/14

作者: stevenyin10 (stevenyin5210)   2018-09-14 09:35:03
Love and romance may be on your mind now, Libra. You may be wondering where something will lead. But to figure this out accurately, you have to consider where this came from even more than where it could go. There are outstanding issues that have to be considered. There are emotional matters that must be attended to. If you look back on what came before, you will begin to understand the potential here. Think back to where it began, and the path will become very clear.
情愛之事可能正在你心頭上縈繞,秤秤。 你可能在想或許某種東西或許會帶領你,但當你想把這搞清楚時,你必須搞清楚它的的來歷更勝於他能去哪裡。有著明顯的問題你必須去考慮清楚。有著情緒問題你一定要去解決。假如你搞清楚它的來源,你便能了解此刻的可能,試著回想它何時開始的吧。明路將在你面前。
Accurately (adv.) 正確地
Outstanding(a.) 明顯的
Attend to (v.) 解決
抱歉昨天晚上睡著了難得一覺到天明 嘻嘻☺ ☺

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