[情報] Daily horoscope 9/13

作者: stevenyin10 (stevenyin5210)   2018-09-13 00:27:30
Trying out a new idea could lead to a boost in your financial outlook, Libra. There may be some venture you have been fantasizing about, but you haven't gotten up the nerve to take that first step yet. But that in itself is fortuitous because the gods of good fortune are shining brightly on you right now, and anything you start now will stand an excellent chance of success. Even if you don't feel you have enough resources, at least get out there and start planning. Anything you need will fall into
place at just the right time.
試著嘗試一些新的想法可能對於你的財務前景有所助持,秤秤。 可能有些新穎的想法在你心中縈繞許久,但你尚未鼓起勇氣踏出第一步。在它本身,一切皆為偶然因為幸運之神正在你面前閃耀。而且你的作為將為你佔盡一切優勢,就算你覺得你的資源還不夠充沛。起碼開始計畫以及擺脫舊有的束縛。一切的一切都會剛剛好地對你有利。
Outlook(n.) 前景
Fantasize(v.) 幻想
Fortuitous (a.) 偶然的
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