[請益] Keep sentences short and simple秘訣

作者: Aminya007 (小惠)   2016-06-22 23:16:18
"Keep sentences short and simple in structure and use everyday words."
1.This change will allow us to better leverage our talent base in an
area where the developmental roles are under way and strategically
focuses us toward the upcoming business system transition where
systems literacy and accuracy will be essential to maintain and to
further improve service levels to our customer base going forward.
2.It is of considerable importance for the author to bear in mind,
in connection with the devising of a formal written document intended
for information or persuasion, that the use of clarity in the selection
of vocabulary and syntax will have a substantial influence on the document,
particularyly in its asociation with the rapidity of interpretation and
degree of comprehension.
大恩大德 感激不盡 <(_ _)>
作者: enonrick (EnonRick)   2016-06-23 09:35:00
作者: wohtp (會喵喵叫的大叔)   2016-06-23 10:08:00
其實這兩個句子很難改,因為作者鐵了心要用「有學問(誤」的方法寫字整句都是沒有意義的buzzwords連發,子句套越多層越好...真的要short and simple,會改到連他娘都不認識他 (╯▽╰)
作者: noruas (酪乳)   2016-06-23 14:33:00
改法很簡單..請仔細找贅字比如說 to better leverage our talent base in an areawhere the developmental roles are under way不就是指 attract potential talents ?以及 to further improve service levels to ourcustomer base going forward 簡單說就是improve customer service另外, This change其實就是後面的the upcoming businesssystem transition還有 strategically focuses us toward 就是 lead, guide以上是第一句..(應該都講完了!)第二句開頭It is of considerable importance...(至逗點)直接改成三個字: The author should後面的in connection with......or persuasion其實就是說 when writing另外, the use of clarity in.... vocabulary and syntax可改成 be clear on words and sentences

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