[Coin] Sumokoin被fireice-uk爆出預挖更多

作者: qxxrbull (XPEC)   2018-05-30 19:43:29
On an Epic Fail – hidden premines, doctored screenshots (self.ryocurrency)
fireice_uk 於 1 天前 * 發表 - announcement
Just to reiterate our press release, the direct cause, for me, is the hidden
400k premine and sumogr’s refusal to commit dev funding to a transparent
wallet. While his attempt to spin it as me asking for more money is mainly
aimed at the fact that most people won’t event expand the screenshot here [
1 ], let me present evidence.
Sumokoin被xmr-stak的作者 fireice-uk發現
(fireice提出後被Sumokoin telegram的群給ban了)
How about a hidden premine?
Breaking news. Sumogr has resigned literally as I was writing this press
release [ 2 ]
400k premine is hidden in the 4th wallet (claimed to unlock in 2020). But
this is blockchain. You don’t need to trust my word. Go check for yourself.
但實際上呢? 你可以在blockchain explorer上找到相關證據
This is the official premine:
Now on the same transaction, and the same unlock time, there is another 400k
hidden premine:
So Sumogr will be getting a nice 1mil premine this year. Pretty devious, huh?
Of course he will spin it like he meant it all along, lol.
Sumogr would like to clarify that the has never held the keys to the premine
wallets, and has resigned as soon as he has seen this evidence.
而下方則是被發現在同樣交易區塊鏈中發現被額外預挖的400k sumokoin
How about doctored screenshots?
You see, Telegram groups and super-groups work differently. In a super-group,
if you delete the message, it is gone for everyone. That’s what Patrik was
used to when he took that screenshot [ 3 ]. Problem is, that it was a group,
not a super-group. The messages are only gone from his local copy.
Here a screenshot of the full conversation: https://pasteboard.co/HngAPcW.png
But wait there is more!
I have nothing to hide. Another feature that Patrik did not anticipate is
that group messages are stored on the central server. If you would like to
find out for yourself who is the lying scumbag feel free to PM me on Telegram
( @Fireice_uk ) for an invite to any of the groups in the screenshots.
Join us on : https://t.me/ryocurrency
我沒有什麼可隱藏的。 Patrik沒有預料到telegram另一個功能是群組消息存儲在服務器上
作者: darkdixen (darkdixen)   2018-05-30 20:36:00
sumo gg
作者: camellala (茸硬抬名器)   2018-05-30 20:43:00
Sumogr這個幣有什麼優點嗎?投資它理由是什麼?那看起來 Sumogr 沒有存在的理由
作者: goldflower (金色小黃花)   2018-05-31 01:50:00
哈哈 不意外
作者: freshego (哈比控)   2018-05-31 04:08:00
sumo之前標上一顆10鎂 然後 就沒有然後惹XD
作者: darkdixen (darkdixen)   2018-05-31 11:25:00
火冰uk根本抓馬人 被fluffypony噓到崩潰7pupu的怪人

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