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[Boy-Girl] Re: [心情] 初戀怎麼這麼痛苦...2019-04-22 23:37:25[Civil] [分享] 107年土技上榜雜談2019-03-03 00:25:48[Emulator] [影音] Gaming Historian - Punch-Out!!的故事2019-01-31 18:57:06[PokemonGO] [心得] 給沒抓過/剛回鍋玩家的超夢指南2018-09-10 15:35:04[PlayStation] Fw: [影音] Gaming Historian - Spyro the Dragon2018-09-10 09:52:06[Emulator] [影音] Gaming Historian - Spyro the Dragon2018-09-09 22:03:02[Rockman] [心得] MegamanX 合集Steam版全成就達成2018-08-10 00:30:18[Emulator] [影音] Gaming Historian - Hudson的PC任社遊戲2018-06-30 19:51:42[Emulator] [影音] Gaming Historian - Sega 32X2018-06-22 23:03:29[C_Chat] Fw: [影音] Gaming Historian - Tetris的故事2018-05-29 23:56:13[Emulator] [影音] Gaming Historian - Tetris的故事2018-05-29 23:55:20[japanavgirls] [神人] [已解決]神一部片2018-03-17 20:38:28[C_Chat] Fw: [影音] Gaming Historian - Sonic系列歷史2018-03-09 21:34:03[PlayStation] [心得] .hack//G.U. Last Recode白金獎盃心得2018-03-06 22:10:23[Emulator] [影音] Gaming Historian - Sonic系列歷史2018-02-26 22:46:14[Emulator] [影音] Gaming Historian - 三大錯誤、問一件事2018-01-07 17:00:42[Emulator] Fw: [推薦] Gaming Historian - Power Gloves(翻譯)2017-12-27 18:35:50[Old-Games] Fw: [推薦] Gaming Historian - Power Gloves(翻譯)2017-12-27 18:33:13[C_Chat] [推薦] Gaming Historian - Power Gloves(翻譯)2017-12-27 18:32:27[Old-Games] Fw: [推薦] SEGA Dreamcast- 遊戲祕聞錄(Gaming Historian)2017-11-30 07:40:16


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