[新聞] 爛番茄表示星戰8的爛分數是100%真實的

作者: khsiuol (邪惡能量)   2017-12-20 23:18:21
Rotten Tomatoes Confirms Its 55% 'Last Jedi' Audience Score Is 100% Authentic
因為分數落差實在太大 加上最近用機器人洗分數的流言滿天飛 有人走去問爛番茄了
爛番茄發言人表示沒發現任何異常活動 亦沒有證據證明有人洗評分
內文太長就不貼了 節錄一段
Some critics and social media commenters have questioned the gap between the
Rotten Tomatoes score and the ratings on other services, highlighting it as
"proof" that there is something amiss with the Rotten Tomatoes numbers. But I
’ve seen absolutely no evidence presented by anyone to back up these claims,
nor even a credible explanation as to where this supposed legion of organized
Star Wars haters is and what its motives might be for depressing the film’s
ratings. The simpler, and far more credible explanation is simply that a lot
of people don’t like the movie.

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