[情報] 大數據與摔角?WWE用數據指引成功方向

作者: ChrisMullin (上帝的左手)   2017-02-26 02:31:45
原文網址: https://goo.gl/k0CrTY
Big Data and Wrestling? WWE Uses Data to Guide Success
作者 Bernard Marr
OK, so the WWE may not be real wrestling (the organization doesn’t
even use that term to describe its “performers” or the
“sports entertainment” it produces) but it is big business.
And that business is shifting thanks in large part to big data.
好的, WWE可能算不上純摔角(WWE甚至不用這詞彙稱呼他們的出場者跟運動娛樂)
但他的確是門大生意, 而這門生意正在轉變中, 有很大一塊歸功於大數據.
For many years, the WWE’s highest revenue stream was selling
pay-per-view (PPV) events on cable. But in 2013, the company
took a huge risk and decided to take its own network digital,
creating an Over The Top platform that cut out the cable middleman.
多年以來, WWE 最多的收入來自於販售有線電視的PPV. 但在2013, 公司冒著
很大的風險, 決定將自己的網絡數位化, 設立OTT平台, 擺脫有線電視這中間人角色.
The decision to create and offer OTT programming drew a lot of
criticism from people suggesting that it would hurt the WWE’s
revenue from PPV events on cable, which typically cost $45–$50 each.
設立OTT平台的決定招致許多的批評, 表示這將損及WWE來自有線電視的PPV收入,
But the WWE saw multiple benefits from offering their OOT subscription
service to viewers for $9.99 a month, and one of the biggest was the data.
“We can now track when they are watching, what device they are using,
how long they are watching,” Michael Wilson, WWE’s chief revenue officer,
said at the at the NeuLion Sports Media & Technology Conference.
然而WWE看見了提供給用戶每月9.99元訂閱OTT服務的多樣好處, 其中最大的一項是資料.
WWE的營收長Michael Wilson在NeuLion Sports Media & Technology Conference上
表示,"現在我們有辦法追蹤用戶在看什麼, 用什麼裝置, 看了多久"
Before, they could only rely on Nielsen ratings, which only gave them a
high-level view. Controlling the content on an OOT platform provides
access to a flood of new data about consumer viewing habits and preferences.
過去, 他們只能依靠尼爾森提供的高層次觀點的收視報告. 控制OTT台的內容, 代表
A year into its experiment, the WWE reported more than a million active
subscribers. Those subscribers produced plenty of data, which showed
some interesting trends. For example, 90 percent of subscribers watch
WWE programming at least once a week. Two-thirds of the platform’s
traffic is for video-on-demand programming (VOD) instead of watching
PPV events live. And 36 percent of users access the content via mobile.
經過一年的試驗, WWE獲得了超過一百萬的活躍訂戶. 這些用戶產生了大量的資料,
並揭露了些有趣的趨勢. 例如, 有90%的訂戶每週至少看一次WWE的節目. 2/3的流量
來自於VOD(隨選視訊)節目, 而非看PPV實況轉播. 36%的用戶使用行動裝置收視.
“That was an aha moment for us,” Wilson told Variety. “
A lot of our fans aren’t going to watch a three-hour pay-per-view
if they’re watching on their phones in between their breaks at work.
Short form content will play a larger role. I don’t think we would
have known that going into this.”
"我們好像突然明瞭了些什麼", Wilson告訴Variety Media, "我們的粉絲
不會在上班的休息時間用手機看三個小時的PPV. 較短的內容將扮演更重要的角色.
This data has enabled the company to build teams and strategies around
providing the content consumers want. The company has turned its focus
to creating shorter, more “snackable” content for the OOT platform,
more than doubling the hours of VOD programming available in the first
year alone.
資料使得公司能夠建立可以提供消費者想要的內容的團隊與策略. 公司將焦點轉向
在OTT平台上建立較短的, 更"零食化"的內容, 比起第一年, VOD的節目時數倍數成長了.
Overall, the strategy seems to be going well. The platform doesn’t
have to cannibalize content from its flagship programs on cable,
which are also seeing ratings boosts. Even YouTube subscriptions were
up for the WWE in 2015.
整體來說, 這策略看起來發展得不錯. 平台並不需要分食有線電視上的主力節目,
這些節目仍然持續成長中. Youtube上的訂閱人數在2015也持續地成長.
In early 2016, the company reached 1.8 million subscribers after a
free-trial offer that coincided with WrestleMania. The company also
said online video views for the event reached 65 million across
social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, and YouTube),
representing an 87% increase over the previous year. And WrestleMania
had a record 10.9 million social media fan engagements.
2016年初, 在WrestleMania同期提供免費試用, 使平台達到了180萬的訂戶.
有關WM的線上影片跨社群媒體(FB, 推特, IG, Snapchat, Vine, 水管)收視數
來到了6,500萬, 比起前一年有了87%(不能再高了)的增長. 社群媒體上WM的
All this data is a boon for a company that has made its mark by
understanding what its customers want to see and delivering.
這些資料對於一個靠著瞭解客戶想看什麼並提供之的公司而言, 真是天大的恩賜.
In fact, reports suggest that the WWE is now also choosing matchups
based on consumer data. A second-string character named Goldberg will
face star Kevin Owens at the WWE Universal Championship at Fastlane.
Some fans were perplexed why a part-time character would get top
billing, but analysts suggest it comes down to data: Goldberg’s
DVD sales, viewership, and popularity in a WWE video game suggest
putting him in a headliner position is good business.
事實上, 報告指出WWE現在也基於消費者的資料決定對戰組合.
第二線選手Goldberg將在Fastlane上與Kevin Owens爭奪環球冠軍.
有些粉絲對於為何挑選兼差選手打頂級賽事感到困惑, 然而分析師建議讓資料說話:
Goldberg的DVD銷量, 收視數, 以及在電玩內的熱門程度,
將他擺在頭條的位置, 將會是門好生意.
And, since WWE matchups are only loosely based in any sort of
sporting reality, they can act on that data and choose
whomever they want to go into a championship match.
而且由於WWE的對戰組合, 比起現實的任何運動, 都是非常鬆散有彈性的, WWE可以
Bernard Marr is a best-selling author & keynote speaker on business,
technology and the effective use of data. To read his future posts
simply join his network here.
作者: racksold (廣東四大狀師-舉人方唐鏡)   2017-02-26 10:09:00
Vince : 我們發現讓Roman一直出現可以增加收視和討論度所以為了讓討論度提到最高峰,我們決定讓RR淘汰UT喔 啾咪
作者: soappp9527 (soappp)   2017-02-26 10:18:00
作者: HCLG (告別季後賽...)   2017-02-26 22:45:00
Roman贏冠軍就集體退訂 或許有用?
作者: classskipper (Redeemer)   2017-02-27 01:31:00
照這篇說的,如果討厭Roman的摔迷每次他上場就關stream, 那他可能不久就去玩二線了
作者: lovelynono (可愛的小過)   2017-02-28 20:36:00

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