[情報] 3/16 Q&A

作者: WillieHuang (Willie)   2015-03-17 01:27:06
Developers decided NOT to implement the penetration nerf in 9.7. It will come
together with gold ammo nerf in one of the upcoming patches.
9.7 不砍穿深了。會留到下一個改版跟金彈一起砍。
- Separating newbies from experienced players on lower tiers does not mean
that experienced players will end up on top of their teams less;
- The above mentioned segregation is active no matter what vehicle do the
experienced players drive;
- According to Storm the Jpz E-100 173mm gun penetration is historical;
Storm 表示 JE-100 的 173mm 主砲穿深合乎史實
- For now, received XP buff for arties is not being considered (related to
the fact that earlier there was a piece of news that the artillery might get
more XP per kill);
- The hissing sound HEAT shells make upon impact is not historical, it's
there for players to realize they were hit by a HEAT shell;
HEAT 砲彈打中時的嘶嘶聲並非史實;只是作來讓玩家分辨彈種用的
- WG doens't have the option to release many things by mini-patches (they
have to wait on big ones most of the time, mini-patches are reserved for
critical issues);
- Storm checked and apparently the lower front plate of HD E-100 and Jpz
E-100 is correct (cca 49 degrees);
經 Storm 確認 HD E-100 和 HD JE-100 的首下角度是正確的(約49度)
- AMX-30 gun lengths are correct;
AMX-30 的主砲長度無誤
- The rule that premium tanks have worse stats than regular ones is still in
effect (RG: And keep it that way);
- In the future, vehicle renders for PR purposes will be made from in-game
hangar so players don't feel cheated that the vehicle on WG renders looks
awesome and in the battle looks worse;
- Earlier, Storm announced that the matchmaker will be reworked for new
version. Current state however is that this change will either not come at
all or in very distant future as the person dealing with MM is very busy;
新版 MM 可能不會有,或是在遙遠的未來
- 9.7 will apparently bring "new Soviet premium" (probably T-54 Model 1945);
9.7 會有新的蘇聯金車(大概是 T-54 First Prototype)
- Storm confirms that WG will not re-introduce ultra-HD texture pack;
- For the purposes of nerfing, CW tanks (M60 and Object 907) do not count as
premium vehicles (they can be nerfed freely);
工會戰獎勵車(M60 和 Obj. 907)並不算是加值戰車(一樣會被 nerf)
- Historically, Super Pershing was "tilted forward" due to the weight of
additional armor (stressing the frontal suspension greatly). In the game, the
devs decided not to do this because it would make the upper frontal plate
angle worse than it was;
- HD Super Pershing has wrong turret additional armor size, it will be fixed;
HD 超潘的砲塔附加裝甲板大小有誤,會修正
- Regarding the UFP additional armor angle of Super Pershing, there was a
longer discussion, the result was inconclusive - some WG developers do not
believe photos of the vehicle (blaming apparently perspective) and are
sticking strictly to angles written in documents;
- Developers are currently discussing removing the North-West map from the
game completely (RG: it's possible that this will happen even in 9.7).
正在討論要不要把 North-West 從遊戲中移除(RG:說不定 9.7 就會動手了)
作者: goldensnitch (金探子)   2015-03-17 08:34:00
還"為"考慮到幫自走砲增加經驗收入--->NOT--->"未不幫自走砲+$+EXP 真不爽 至少降低SPG的修車費啊

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