[請益] TPO40 閱讀3-6 and 3-12

作者: marywang (Raven)   2017-10-27 01:04:31
不好意思昨天po的時候3-6的原文不知道為什麼沒有複製到最後一小段> <
However, behavior is by far the most important factor in thermoregulation.
The principal elements in behavioral thermoregulation are basking
(heliothermy), heat exchange with substrates such as rock or earth
(thigmothermy), and diurnal and annual avoidance behaviors, which include
moving to shelter during the day for cooling and hibernating or estivating
(reducing activity during cold or hot weather, respectively) Heliothermy is
especially common among frogs and toads: it allows them to increase their
body temperature by more than 10°C. The Andean toad Bufo spinulosus exposes
itself immediately after sunrise on moist ground and attains its preferred
body temperature by this means, long before either ground or air is
correspondingly warmed. A positive side effect of this approach is that it
accelerates the digestion of the prey consumed overnight, thus also
accelerating growth.
Thigmothermy is a behavior present in most amphibians, although pressing
against the ground serves a dual purpose heat absorption by conductivity and
water absorption through the skin. The effect of thigmothermy is especially
evident in the Andean toad during rainfall: its body temperature corresponds
to the temperature of the warm earth and not to the much cooler air
The "Andean toad Bufo spinulosus" illustrates which of the following
behavioral modifications?
A Heliothermy and thigmothermy
C Absorbing heat from the air
"long before either ground or air is correspondingly warmed."
Amphibians are therefore hardly at mercy of ambient temperature, since by
means of the mechanisms described above they are more than exercising some
control over their body temperature.
B Thus, by the mechanisms described above, amphibians are quite capable of
controlling their body temperature to survive extreme ambient temperatures.
D Thus, the mechanisms described above give amphibians control over much more
than just their body temperature
答案為B,但我一直糾結在原文的more than
所以我的理解為 : 兩棲動物還可以利用之前提到的方法,不僅是調節自身的溫度
請大家幫我解惑~ 謝謝
作者: a2ab34bc (jaysu)   2017-10-27 01:17:00
雖然long before,但是太陽升起一段時間之後還是有可能從其他物體獲取熱能吧?而且toad的舉例接在介紹兩種approach之後,感覺還是A答案比較適合3-12的more than前有一個excercising,表示a動物對於控制體溫是玩真的(如前述方法)。選項D則表示這些方法可以控制體溫以外的東西,原文沒有提及。
作者: marywang (Raven)   2017-10-27 09:19:00
對不起我昨天複製原文的時候3.6的最後一段沒有複製到想說前面提過helio, thigmo兩種,thigmo後來又有自己拿h拿出來講,那前面講的應該就是helio而已
作者: yeahts (leave on a plane)   2017-10-27 09:38:00
1. 您注意舉例解釋的對象是誰(原文還特別用 especially)2. 再觀察一下 more than 修飾的對象是誰

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