[同好] 4/10(日)桃園英文口說練習

作者: fluke31 (Legend TM International)   2022-03-27 11:30:09
1. 自介:Legend Toastmasters member
2. 對象:Anyone who likes to share thoughts and communicate with others
3. 目標:To learn public speaking skills with English
4. 原因:The most effective way for learning is to practice and teach others,
according to Learning Pyramid.
5. 地點:豆‧拾光 (平鎮區延平路一段243號)
6. 時間:4/10(日) 10:00-12:00
7. 方式:歡迎站內信
8. 範圍:TBA (Presenters will prepare good topics, we will post on FB later.)
9. 人數限制:none
We have certain members and prearranged schedule,
we need more people join us to improve public speaking skills together
by being different meeting roles.
作者: fluke31 (Legend TM International)   2022-04-08 11:16:00

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