[徵才] Bubbleye Junior ML Engineer [70k+]

作者: habam (haha)   2016-10-11 12:55:18
[公司名稱] Bubbleye
[公司網址] http://bubbleye.com
[工作職缺] Junior machine learning engineer
(also hiring all levels of experience
based on our previous posts)
[公司地址] 三創 10F, 近忠孝新生捷運站
Some experience building machine learning models
Natural Language Processing
Python, R
PhD or Masters degree in Statistics, Mathematics or Computer Science
Does diving into data thrill you? Join Bubbleye
and work in an exciting startup environment,
boosting our new machine learning projects.
We're looking for an individual with proven long
term experience in the design and implementation
of statistical models to study relationships among
content and users - including NLP, neural networks,
and deep learning.
Responsibilities will include designing advanced
models to fit real-time continuous data.
Formulating hypotheses, experiments and explanations
for proof of concepts. Finally, you will assist
our backend team to implement your elegant solutions.
Our fast-paced growth offers engaging possibilities
for the right candidate.
[薪資 (月薪)]
NT$70,000 up
[薪資 (保證最低年薪)]
70,000 x 12 = 840,000
每日工作時間: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
每周工作時間: 8 * 5 = 40
目前團隊有五個人,CEO, COO,
目前團隊位於三創10F StarRocket

Bubbleye is solving mobile user acquisition inefficiencies by
enabling targeting based on qualitative interests. We connect
users to apps and games they actually want, and publishers to
their best suited audience. We make mobile user acquisition
affordable and effective.
At Bubbleye’s core is trust, respect and passion for growth.
We are looking for people who share this passion. We are closing
a new round of funding to scale our technology up, which is why
we need you: a talented and passionate individual excited to
learn and build awesome tech.
歡迎直接投遞英文履歷至 [email protected]/*
作者: maxqq (max)   2016-10-11 13:00:00
作者: robber1234 (超痛恨嘴炮)   2016-10-11 14:02:00
自然語言專長博士,你們想要用84萬請喔? A_A
作者: ChrisMullin (上帝的左手)   2016-10-11 15:06:00
作者: imindflow (imindflow)   2016-10-11 16:17:00
作者: ql4au04 (泡麵)   2016-10-11 18:40:00
不要拋棄topic model啊
作者: stosto (樹多)   2016-10-11 20:38:00
作者: yolasiku (我的綠卡能吃嗎)   2016-10-11 20:46:00
該說博士能花多少請? 業界學界沒接軌不是一兩天的事
作者: angusyu (〒△〒)   2016-10-11 22:38:00
沒接軌會怎樣? 該不會想說早點出來接就比較強吧 XD
作者: yolasiku (我的綠卡能吃嗎)   2016-10-11 22:44:00
業界待過就知道啦 在這邊講沒什麼意義
作者: anguso (唷!)   2016-10-11 23:09:00
作者: brucetu (sec)   2016-10-12 00:37:00
放心 唸到博士應該不會傻到去84萬新創五個人就ceo coo 集團在哪
作者: pest (這些分鐘妳有沒有想過我?)   2016-10-12 00:41:00
作者: Gaogaigar   2016-10-12 02:01:00
作者: anguso (唷!)   2016-10-12 05:29:00
作者: pest (這些分鐘妳有沒有想過我?)   2016-10-12 06:45:00

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