Re: [情報] Yogi Ferrell與小牛簽下2年合約

作者: dragon803 (wet)   2017-02-05 00:01:47
※ 引述《dragon803 (wet)》之銘言:
: Dallas' Yogi Ferrell has agreed on a two-year deal that he'll sign Tuesday w
: n first 10-day expires, league sources tell The Vertical.
: Yogi Ferrell將與小牛簽下2年合約,會在美國時間下週二10日短約到期時簽約。
Prorated minimum for Yogi Ferrell would be $208k (signed on Tuesday). The seco
nd year (2017-18) would be $1.3m.
小牛這個球季剩餘將會支付Yogi Ferrell 20.8萬美元,而17-18則是130萬。

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