[閒聊] Whiskyfair 2018的Recommended store

作者: CK0821 (山豬騎士)   2018-10-13 14:28:35
這次Whiskyfair Takao 2018的Recommended store,
Pu Cafe噗咖啡還蠻吸引人的
Pu Cafe噗咖啡坐落於有歷史色彩的鹽埕區新樂街上,堅持以各式天然食材與自製醬料製作早午餐,
用SOE(Single Origin Espresso)煮出每杯香醇的咖啡飲品,最知名的為使用13種益生菌種自製優格!
Pu Cafe’ is located on Xinle St., a street full of historical buildings, in Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City. Pu Cafe’ insists on using natural ingredients and
homemade sources for their famous brunch in the neighborhood.
They also provide great coffee by Single Origin.
A must-try here is the homemade yogurts using 13 kinds of Probiotics! Every item on the menu is “natural, healthy, and original.”
鹽埕区の歴史豊かな新楽街にあるカフェ、「Pu Café(漢字:噗咖啡)」。

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