Re: [爆卦] 英調查記者:哈瑪斯利用人盾掩護戰士撤退

作者: A6 (短ID真好)   2023-11-02 21:18:13
※ 引述《venson (文生力量力量)》之銘言:
: Sickening.
: As Hamas was losing ground in the fight with the IDF in Jabalia yesterday, the
: y sent around 100 women and children towards the Israeli troops as human shiel
: ds - to try to protect the terrorists.
: Expect Amnesty, the BBC & UN to remain silent about these war crimes.
: 哈瑪斯昨天在賈巴利亞與以色列國防軍的戰鬥中節節敗退。
: 哈瑪斯朝著以色列軍隊送出100名婦女及兒童做為肉盾,試圖掩護哈瑪斯戰士們離開。
: 註:
: David Collier 為英國籍著名的獲獎調查記者。
My research has won awards. I was named in 2017 as one of the top 100 people
positively influencing Jewish life and recently in 2020 as one of the top 20
online pro-Zionist influencers. This research really does make a difference
and supporting it will allow me to do more.
我的研究獲獎了。我於 2017 年被評為對猶太人生活產生積極影響的 100 名人物之一,
最近在 2020 年被評為 20 名支持猶太復國主義的線上影響者之一。這項研究確實產生了
I expose antisemitism and fight against the demonisation of Israel. It is a
intense and difficult global struggle.
The above are just some of the many news stories generated by my research. I
have created exclusives on hundreds of hard-core haters. I have been fighting
for Jews and Israel for over 20 years. I have a large audience, and a popular
website, with my Twitter feed alone receiving several million impressions
each month. My research is frequently cited by mainstream media across the
。我為猶太人和以色列奮鬥了 20 多年。我有大量的觀眾和一個受歡迎的網站,光是我
的 Twitter 每月就有數百萬次展示。我的研究經常被全球主流媒體引用。
這位 根本就不是什麼英國記者

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