[求譯] be around that much 的意思

作者: Brenda0918   2017-08-08 23:12:29
在常春藤解析英語看到這個用法 "be(come) around that much"
請問這個慣用法 意思是"待很久"或"相處很久"嗎?
網路上找不太到這句慣用法的中文翻譯 但有很多句子使用這用法
There is a group of people, though, who are terribly afraid of Chinese New
Year and being around thier families that much.
Girls like me don't come around that much.
I won't be around that much anymore.
作者: wohtp (會喵喵叫的大叔)   2017-08-09 21:44:00
around和that much不是綁在一起的,你只是剛好連續看到幾個例子有兩者同時出現而已。that much直譯就是「那麼多」的意思例如 I won't be around 是「我不在了」加個that much變成「我不會那麼常常在這裡了」或者你的第一句:就是有一群人「那麼」怕春節,「那麼」怕和家人在一起
作者: Brenda0918   2017-08-12 08:32:00

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