[情報] 7/27 the daily horoscope

作者: wesley1234 (nana)   2014-07-27 23:27:00
You may be feeling rather sorry for yourself now, Aries, complete with a pity
party and mutterings of woe. Okay, so you had a disappointment. Everyone has
disappointment from time to time. Maybe it wasn't fair. Maybe it's a lot to
deal with. But you do have a choice in how you deal with it. Wallowing in
feelings of sadness or disillusion or anger or resentment won't get you
anywhere. But the same energy directed along a more positive channel can do
wonders. Transform that negative energy into something
hopeful and happy, and you will change everything
羊羊 你現在存在著某些遺憾 有著一些遺憾失望以及自怨自艾的情緒
但這都沒關係 每個人偶爾時運不濟是很正常的 不要想著發生這一切對你來說不公平,
傷心難過並不會讓事情變得更順利 但是你可以把這些負面情緒轉成是正面的能量,
嗚嗚 最近牡羊也太多事了吧=.0
作者: csym (阿清)   2014-07-27 23:33:00
作者: petestar (酥酥麻麻。小派皮)   2014-07-27 23:33:00
唉對呀 沒有心情大好的感覺QQ 不是七月底了嘛~~
作者: sujaya (雲 悅)   2014-07-27 23:36:00
對阿 多事的日子
作者: sha0413 (Albee)   2014-07-27 23:53:00
作者: WeilinWu (Weilin)   2014-07-27 23:54:00
作者: qi3qi3 ( 少,但是更好)   2014-07-27 23:59:00
作者: f7255814 (peimin)   2014-07-28 00:06:00
作者: ariesjen (PeaceLee)   2014-07-28 00:13:00
作者: Goodwhite (好白大叔)   2014-07-28 00:30:00
作者: kayla6132 (ONE)   2014-07-28 00:32:00
正面力量come on!!!
作者: wesley1234 (nana)   2014-07-28 00:39:00
要充電,吃個甜食 犒賞自己一下relax之後 再繼續上工
作者: danny1986323 (小勳勳)   2014-07-28 01:19:00
作者: ll1111111111 (一直要我做)   2014-07-28 01:50:00
我懂了 謝謝

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