[筆譯] 已結束徵才

作者: milkmilk50 (沙魚)   2018-05-03 21:49:16
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Vlassara et al. showed in 1985 that AGE-modified proteins
can be bound to a special receptor (receptor for
advanced glycation end products, RAGE).[155] The receptor
was cloned and characterized for the first time in 1992.[156]
Binding of ligands to the membrane-bound receptor triggers
an intracellular signalling cascade in endothelial cells. This
leads to the activation of the transcription factor NF-kB,
which plays a key role in the molecular mechanisms of
inflammation reactions.[157] For example, the endothelial
surface is changed in such a way through NF-kB-dependant
processes that coagulation events are favored.[158] AGEmodified
proteins were initially discussed as ligands for
作者: bbflisky (Mr.bbflisky)   2018-05-03 22:31:00

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