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作者: mothball0130 (BB)   2023-03-31 16:57:27
外國禿 死種天黑特黑特載
黑特仔惹你媽 幹
幹機掰 死黑特載
27. Focus on your Lovers. Haters can DRAIN you — you’ve got to put your
focus on those who love you instead. And as soon as the haters are out of
your life, all those people who loved you or wanted to or thought they might
but stayed away because of the haters’ games will come out of the WOODWORK.
28. Haters usually hate demographics, not just individuals. They will claim
they don’t, but you will find bias against groups of people here somewhere.
It might not be as bad as racism or homophobia, but it will be akin to it.
Hatin’ is a way of life. No one just accidentally does it.
29. Look for who the Players are. When 50 Cent went after Ja Rule, he wasn’t
hating. It looked like it, but he was making a cold calculated move. He knew
that taking on Ja Rule was a great opportunity, a win-win for him, and a
lose-lose for Ja Rule. Unless you’re a rapper, that’s not an approach I
recommend in life or business, but if you observe your haters you may
discover that one of them or their supporters doesn’t hate at all: they
might actually have an incentive. In business this is usually money or
status. Keep your eyes on the Players, or keep your eye out for them. But
most likely… there are no players. There is no strategy. Just hurting people
bumbling through the difficulty of being alive.
30. Haters can’t acknowledge that they’ve been wrong. If you ask them when
the last time they did wrong and acknowledged it and made it right, they will
say “I try not to ever hurt people” or some other such excuse. They lack
the ability to say “Hey, I was wrong here. And my motives were wrong, and I
want your forgiveness. Will you forgive me? And how can I make it right?” No
hater has ever said those words. What should separate you from haters is that
you can say it easily.
31. Haters and their supporters do not want healing and reconciliation. They
do not want healthy relationships — they want relationships where they have
disproportionate and unearned power over others. Also, hatin’s too tasty,
and their egos are too stiff.
32. It sucks to be a hater or to be in relationship with them. Have pity, and
try to show kindness. Fight for what you believe in, not against people who
are hurting. Thank God every day that you are not on their path.
33. The rest of the world knows more about the situation than you do. People
who are levels above you are watching it, they watch you grow, they watch you
hurt, and they’ve probably watched you be stupid, too. They may gently try
to guide you, but they won’t say much. They don’t need to. If they’re at a
level above you — in life, development, business, leadership, whatever —
they’ve had haters, too.
34. When haters are mixed in with your lovers, you get a warped sense of
both. You’ll feel things and think it’s universal. But haters change the
way you interact with your lovers. Once you can spot the difference, all your
relationships change. Now you have something more powerful than hate: you
have genuine loyalty and love.
35. Whoever trains harder, wins. When you’re haters are toasting champagne
at the damage they’ve caused, you should be working. When they are spending
money they stole from you, you should be doing pushups. When they are lying
about you behind your back, you should be on your 90th hour of the week. Get
hard. Train every day to fight, and you will win. And I don’t mean
begrudgingly, either. Haters are the kind of people who complain about having
to do difficult things: Leaders Love It.
Eat like a lion. Enjoy every minute of it. A warrior is not a warrior if they
don’t grin at the possibility of a challenge. And you know what? Public
champagne is not for winners. Winners toast privately with those they love —
and then they fall asleep. If you don’t love the fight, you’re giving them
your power. A truly courageous heart loves having the odds against them.
Out-work them, out-read them, out-write them, out-love them and out-live
them. It won’t be hard.
36. Go be you. Be so much you that it blasts the world apart. SHINE.

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