Re: [心得] 關於魚式的看法...

作者: musease ( )   2016-07-30 22:46:45
以下引用自Terry Laughlin的“Freestyle Mastery Complete Self-Coaching Course”
Group 3 Stroke Pressure Mastery
These three exercises teach you to convert pressure into speed, not turbulence. Apply pressure
to the water with care and precision.
1. How Fast are you Moving?
A very simple exercise: Compare the speed of your arm moving back to that of your body moving forward. Your body’s forward speed should match your arm’s rearward speed.
2. Vary Pressure
Practice applying different pressure levels. I strive for four levels of pressure:
‧ Featherlight (one of our coaches calls this ‘gathering moonbeams’). I explore the least pressure I can apply. I begin every practice with five to 10 minutes of this.
‧ Light: Just slightly more. I start my distance races with this pressure level. In a 1500m race,
I’ll maintain this pressure level for the first 300m.
‧ Medium: At this level, I start to notice moderate muscle-loading in arm, shoulder and upper
torso. In a 1500m race I maintain this pressure level from about 300 to 1200m.
‧ Firm: This is the firmest pressure at which I feel I can keep the Ball of Water Molecules
quiet. I work tirelessly in practice to avoid dispersing water molecules. In a race I’ll apply
Firm pressure in the final 100 to 300m. I NEVER PRESS HARD!
Add each new pressure level only when you feel a current level convert effectively into locomotion. Use the following as indicators:
1. The water feels slightly ‘thick’ to your hand
作者: opgy (^O^)   2016-07-30 23:20:00
跟牛排幾分熟的分法有點像啊,三分熟,五分熟,全熟...剛跑步回來看得我肚子都餓了說,大概是我資質駑鈍沒啥收穫是說有時間想讀英文游泳書的話,我建議先看看swim speedsecrets for swimmers and triathletes這本,然後你會發現八掛是泰瑞因為這本書還特地寫文槓作者,要作一門生意就該像泰瑞教練這樣時刻注意才行,這也是想當教練營生的朋友該學習的粗飽肥來啦,再給推一個順便說一下本文的讀後心得,事實上本文給我的港覺就像是泰瑞在親傳他的“指示/心得”一樣,頻率近的大概就會接受吧,接收泰瑞教練的1.5KM攻略這樣,是說有這時間我還不如去你管看一場1.5KM的奧運回放還比較實在,學到的東西還比較多喔,比方說用教頭Mike Bottom的三種driven techn來看人家選手的策略及技術選擇,就挺有趣的喔
作者: wendycandy (溫蒂糖小姐)   2016-07-31 07:53:00
作者: opgy (^O^)   2016-07-31 10:27:00
作者: musease ( )   2016-07-31 17:50:00
作者: opgy (^O^)   2016-08-01 01:28:00
教主文章要讀清楚,自己都沒讀懂要人家討論是不是怪怪的,幫你節一段出來你自己想想人家再說些什麼吧:In a 1500m race Imaintain this pressure level from about 300 to 1200m.接著請找本字典查看看race的意思,你說傻豈不是讓泰瑞躺著也中槍?上面這一段出自五分熟那個段落,然後在三分熟泰瑞也說了他會在1.5KM賽事初始的前300米中保持這色澤,然後在最後的100到300米時以全熟的姿態上菜,然後他從不用力壓牛排這樣(以上為錯誤翻譯,又餓了,這不算是消夜文吧?)I NEVER PRESS HARD!!!!治大國若烹小鮮,游泳也當如是才對,值得深思啊
作者: tp6b123 (Luke)   2016-08-01 06:03:00
作者: musease ( )   2016-08-01 18:42:00

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