[閒聊] 抽插計數器

作者: albert7387 (我的車好帥~)   2014-08-07 19:17:34
It was only a matter of time before wearable technology moved from people's
heads and wrists and ventured downstairs. British adult retailer Bondara is
leading the charge, showing off a prototype activity tracker and sex toy that
goes on the gentleman's region. The SexFit is a ring that sits at the base of
the penis, trapping blood for better, uh, erections, but also packs an
accelerometer and Bluetooth module. That way, your in-and-out statistics will
be shared with a companion app on a smartphone that'll tell you your thrust
per minute and even the calories you've burned. Oh, and you can even share
those figures with your shocked friends on social media.
The hardware also vibrates, enabling you to set it at specific intervals,
either for enhanced pleasure or so you can put the metronome back downstairs
in the music room. There are even five LEDs that sit on top of the device
that'll light up when you hit a steady rhythm. Assuming, that is, that you'd
prefer to use that rather than some of the more obvious clues that might be
available during intercourse
作者: juinhero (J英雄)   2014-08-07 19:18:00
作者: Chiehx (誠)   2014-08-07 19:20:00
作者: albert7387 (我的車好帥~)   2014-08-07 19:21:00
然後就會有人唱"I just had sex" http://goo.gl/GIu3EX
作者: zxcv3147 (123)   2014-08-07 19:22:00
作者: noitcidda (西打)   2014-08-07 19:22:00
作者: showind (礦泉水空瓶)   2014-08-07 19:23:00
用計步器也差不多上傳到群網站會是 count: 17 duration: less than 3 min
作者: juinhero (J英雄)   2014-08-07 19:32:00
放心 上社群網站一定都是神數據
作者: ODays   2014-08-07 19:34:00
鄉民一定都傳不上去 因為數字爆掉了!!
作者: human45 (昨日小篤)   2014-08-07 19:35:00
作者: mulder58 (西醒)   2014-08-07 19:36:00
作者: wingyat92 (Wc)   2014-08-07 19:58:00
less than 3 sec
作者: imsosad5566 (純情小喇叭)   2014-08-07 20:07:00
作者: sisyphus96 (二刀流)   2014-08-07 20:11:00
作者: coachway (瘋狂小獸獸)   2014-08-07 20:17:00
作者: poppo00000 (piddy)   2014-08-08 01:47:00
作者: baseball464 (你在看我嗎)   2014-08-08 10:13:00

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