[全國/網路] LSAT

作者: tetsuya0129 (痂,救贖)   2024-05-12 22:25:19
2.地點:網路 或面授
4.希望待遇:(時薪) LSAT - NTD 950-1500 (試涵蓋範圍及學生程度而定)
6.學歷:NTU LL.M.
7.連絡方式:[email protected]
(1) A contracted remote Taiwan LSAT instructor for a US LSAT prep company.
(2) My score: 167 (January 2021.)
(3) Experience: 3 years so far.
As a Taiwanese myself, I've wrestled with LSAT for years and obtained a 167.
My teaching would be valuable for you because I can teach you how to identify
those traps faster and develop a better attack plan for each question type.
Most fundamentally, I am good at analyzing a students' weaknesses and
offering targeted training to address the problem.
If you can work hard, and are willing to afford a private tutoring, my
service won't dissapoint you as long as you finish all the assignments and
LSAT的家教部分,我目前接過的學生多是ABC 分數在140s,在教學半年左右多能進步到
If you are stuck with a certain score range, I can
confidently say my methods and tutoring will definetely help you.
One trial session (30 minutes). I can teach in English. For LSAT tutoring, I
prefer teaching in English. LSAT has its own language domain, which cannot be
well explained in CN, imho. This way works better for your learning. 如果有需
要我也可以用中文解釋, 幫助您學習。
If you want any other information, please send me a email. Thanks.

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