[新聞] 立陶宛捐贈2萬劑疫苗給台灣

作者: swattw (Swat-未來模式)   2021-06-22 16:47:20
發稿單位:立陶宛外交部長Gabrielius Landsbergis
發稿時間:2021/06/22 15:54 (GMT+8)
撰 稿 者:Gabrielius Landsbergis
This morning the Lithuanian Government approved donation of 20
thousand vaccines to #Taiwan. I am proud that we can, albeit in a
small way, to show solidarity with the Taiwanese people in combatting the
COVID-19. Freedom-loving people should look out for each other!
展現對台灣人面對武漢肺炎疫情的支援。 熱愛自由的人民應該互相照應。

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