[台北] 臺北醫學大學招募心理學/神經科學計畫助理

作者: spread (Sun)   2018-03-22 15:03:25
【公司名稱】 台北醫學大學大腦與意識研究中心
【工作職缺】 心理學/神經科學研究計畫助理
【工作內容】 主要負責協助憂鬱症大腦研究相關計畫。
Psychology/Neuroscience Research Assistant
We are looking for someone to join our group as a research assistant. The
primary responsibility will be to carry out human neuroscience and psychology
experiments and to do coordination across different departments for patients’
Applicants should have at least a bachelors degree in a relevant area
(psychology, neuroscience, biology, computer science, or similar). Prior
experience in experimental work is desirable but not essential.
We are based at Taipei Medical University and at Shuang-Ho hospital. Our
centre is a friendly environment where we look to develop out employees
skills in techniques such as fMRI, EEG, and in data analysis.
Salary and benefits for this position are in accord with Ministry of Science
and Technology (MOST) standards.
If you are interested in this job, please submit your CV to Miss Frannie Han
([email protected]).
【工作地點】 台北醫學大學大安校區(臺北市基隆路二段168號)
【工作時間】 9:00-18:00
【月休】 週休二日
【公司福利】 將比照科技部計劃專任助理薪資表,逐年敘薪
【薪資範圍】 碩士級第一年薪資 36050元,依年資累計
【需求人數】 1
【聯絡人/連絡方式】 韓小姐/[email protected]
請於4/13之前,將履歷、相關資料e-mail至[email protected]

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