Re: [新聞] 著作權法修正 碩博士論文強制公開

作者: ACE520 (ASE)   2016-05-07 00:57:05
First case:
Author : Meng-Che Wu
Assessment of Applying SSSC to Power Market for Carbon Trading
Author: : Kai-Hung Lu
Assessment of Power Market for Carbon Trading by Modified Particle Swarm Optimization
After investigating this case with view points from both parties, it seems
to us that this is an internal case of how to split the work credits among
the team members of the same laboratory. As it seems that this is an
internal affair involving one single laboratory, it would be better if you
can direct your complaint to the head of the laboratory directly. Of if one
would like, one may send the complaint to the head of the department
supervising that laboratory. This is because only the head may keep the
records of the individual works/contributions of each team member of the
laboratory. After their official decision, we are more than happy to follow
their decision.
We are looking forward to your understanding because we do not have the
legal power to order laboratory to hand internal personal data to us before
of privacy issues concerned.
Date of modification: 12 March 2016.
Brief description of the change: Add Meng-Che Wu to the list of authors.
Second case:
1.Author:李元輝(Yuan-hui Li)
A Study for Price-Based Unit Commitment with Carbon
In this thesis, the Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Ant Colony Optimization (GACO) approach is presented to solve the unit commitment problem (UC), and comparison with the results obtained using literature methods. Then this thesis applied the ability of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) operated after Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) can promote the ACO efficiency. The objective of GA is to improve the searching quality of ants by optimizing themselves to generate a better result,
because the ants produced randomly by pheromone process are not necessary better.
This method can not only enhance the neighborhood search, but can also search the optimum solution quickly to advance convergence. The other objective of this thesis is to investigate an influence of emission constraints on generation scheduling. The motivation for this objective comes from the efforts to reduce negative trends in a climate change. In this market structure, the independent power producers have to deal with several complex issues arising from uncertainties in spot market prices, and
technical constraints which need to be considered while scheduling generation and trading for the next day. In addition to finding dispatch and unit commitment decisions while maximizing its profit, their scheduling models should include trading decisions like spot-market buy and sell. The model proposed in this thesis build on the combined carbon finance and spot market formulation, and help generators in deciding on when these commitments could be beneficial.
2.Author: Ting-Chia Ou
A Study for Price-Based Unit Commitment with Carbon Trading by DI&C simulation
In this paper, the Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Ant Colony Optimization (GACO) approach is presented to solve the unit commitment problem,
and comparison with the results obtained using literature methods by nuclear-grade Digital Instrumentation and Control (DI&C) simulation.
Then this paper applied the ability of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) operated after Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) can promote the ACO efficiency. The objective of GA is to improve the searching quality of ants by optimizing themselves to generate a better result,
because the ants produced randomly by pheromone process are not necessary better.
This method can not only enhance the neighborhood search, but can also search the optimum solution quickly to advance convergence. The other objective of this paper is to investigate an influence of emission constraints on generation scheduling.
The motivation for this objective comes from the efforts to reduce negative trends in a climate change. In this market structure, the nuclear power plants (NPPs) and independent power producers (IPPs) have to deal with several complex issues arising from uncertainties in spot market prices, and technical constraints which need to be considered while scheduling generation and trading for the next day.
In addition to finding dispatch and unit commitment decisions while maximizing its profit,
their scheduling models should include trading decisions like spot-market buy and sell.
The model proposed in this paper build on the combined carbon finance and spot market formulation, and help generators in deciding on when these commitments could be beneficial.
IEEE defines plagiarism as the reuse of someone else's prior processes,
results, or words without explicitly acknowledging the original author and source.
It is important for all IEEE authors to recognize that plagiarism in any form,
at any level, is unacceptable and is considered a serious breach of professional conduct,
with potentially severe ethical and legal consequences.

: 著作權法修正 碩博士論文強制公開
: 2016-05-04 02:52 聯合報 記者李昭安/台北報導
: 智慧財產局提出「著作權法」最新修正草案,其中不少與民眾切身相關。過去不少碩博士
: 畢業生不願公開論文,相關著作只能收在圖書館倉庫養灰塵,無法上架。為促進學術交流
: 、傳承,智慧局這次修法把取得學位的碩博士論文全視為同意公開發表,不能再「藏私」
: 不公開了。
: 智慧局官員指出,過去部分學生不願公開論文,有的是因論文內容涉及抄襲,所以寧願「
: 封存」,教育部對此也相當頭痛;這次修法強制公開論文,也有避免論文抄襲氾濫,希望
: 提高論文品質的「額外效果」。
: 現行著作權法對碩博士論文是「推定公開發表」,作者可自由選擇不想公開。實務上不少
: 畢業生勾選「論文不公開」,導致碩博士論文只能存放在圖書館倉庫內,無法上架供閱覽
: 利用,教育部、國家圖書館都曾向智慧局反映過此問題。
: 官員表示,未來若修法通過,除非論文涉及專利、有國防機密等特殊狀況,否則都將強制
: 公開;不過修法不溯及既往,三讀過後的碩博士論文才適用新制。
: 此外,現行著作權法尊重創作者個人意願,創作者可自由決定是否公開創作,即使作者去
: 世,著作人格權也將永遠持續;作者生前若決定不公開發表作品,就無人能再公開。
: 例如據傳作家張愛玲生前曾透露要銷毀「小團圓」小說手稿,但後來出版社還是出版著作
: ,曾引發爭議。
: 官員指出,為促進著作流通,這次修法明定,除非有「特殊情形」,否則若經繼承遺產的
: 著作財產權人全數同意,原則上就可公開發表作者生前未公開作品,不會有侵權問題。
: 官員舉例,不適合公開狀況包括:著作人生前曾表示不願公開發表,例如張愛玲的意願就
: 須被納入考量,或是作者生前與友人往來的書信、個人日記等,因涉及隱私,就不適合公
: 開。
: 聯合新聞

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