[情報] 7/27(Sat.) CBS MBA Coffee Chat

作者: tina7676 (Transparent)   2013-07-16 19:58:42
Dear 各位對就讀MBA有興趣的朋友們,
我們是Columbia Business School今年即將入學的新生及畢業校友們。
在今年的新生入學之際,我們將舉辦Coffee Chat活動,希望透過輕鬆對談的
方式,幫助各位進一步了解Columbia Business School.會談內容將包含:
這將會是個您認識Columbia Business School、在校學生、校友,並與其他
時間:2013/07/27 (六) 14:30 ~ 17:30 (14:30進場報到15:00活動開始)
地點:GozCafe 果子咖啡 - 台北市松山區民生東路三段140巷11號
RSVP: http://goo.gl/9P3YD (由於場地座位有限,請及早報名以免向隅)
P.S. 別忘了攜帶名片來和現場同學及校友交流,讓大家記得你喔!
希望此Coffee Chat對於您的MBA申請及生涯規劃有所幫助
非常歡迎對Columbia Business School有興趣的朋友們一同參與!
如有任何報名相關問題,請聯絡 cbs2015tw@gmail.com
Columbia Business School, Class of 2015
Dear prospective students,
As the incoming students and alumni of Columbia Business School,
we would like to invite you to join us for Coffee Chat on 07/27 in
Taipei. We want to showcase the school and share our experiences
of CBS in a casual setting. Below pls kindly find the rundown of
the event:
1.CBS application process
2.CBS courses and extracurricular activities
3.Learning/living in New York City
4.Job-seeking process and career planning
This would be a great opportunity for you to learn about the
program/life as a CBS MBA student, and to network with us and
other prospective candidates.
Time:07/27/2013 Saturday 14:30 ~ 17:30

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