Re: [討論] 關於QD上半場罰球違規那個判例

作者: beautydots (看球人)   2017-02-06 08:20:25
討論中強調「QD球必須要出手」是著墨在規則「43.3 罰則」的規定,43.3.3的原文是「I
f a free throw is not successful...」的情境下討論如果違例者是罰球員或其隊友時
原文If a free throw is not successful並未強調一定要「投籃不中」,如果根本無法
出手呢?我認為也是在「free throw is not successful」的範圍內。
※ 引述《asdfgh0920 (A醬)》之銘言:
: 關於上半場QD被判罰球違規那個判例,一開始我也是在LIVE文忿忿不平
: 所以跑去查了FIBA相關規範
: 以下是2014 fiba的規定:
: 43.2.3. The free-throw shooter shall:
: 關於罰球員的規範 :
: o Take a position behind the free-throw line and inside the
: semi-circle.
: o Use any method to shoot a free throw in such a way that the ball enters
: the basket from above or the ball touches the ring.
: o Release the ball within 5 seconds after it is placed at his disposal by
: the official.
: 從裁判手中接過球後,應在五秒內投射離手
: o Not touch the free-throw line or enter the restricted area until the ball
: has entered the basket or has touched the ring.
: o Not fake a free throw.
: 不得做罰球假動作
: 43.2.4. The players in the free-throw rebound places shall be entitled to
: occupy alternating positions in these spaces, which are considered
: to be 1 m in depth .
: During the free throws these players shall not:
: o Occupy free-throw rebound places to which they are not entitled.
: o Enter the restricted area, the neutral zone or leave the free-throw reboun
: place until the ball has left the hand(s) of the free-throw shooter.
: o Distract the free-throw shooter by their actions.
: 搶籃板球時,不得以任何動作干擾主罰球員
: 43.2.5. Players not in the free-throw rebound places shall remain behind the
: free-throw line extended and behind the 3-point field goal line unti
: the free throw ends.
: 43.2.6. During a free throw(s) to be followed by another set(s) of free thro
: or by a throw-in, all players shall remain behind the free-throw lin
: extended and behind the 3-point field goal line.
: An infraction of Art. 43.2.3, 43.2.4, 43.2.5 and 43.2.6 is a violation.
: 違反規則43.2.3條、43.2.4條、43.2.5條、43.2.6條,均屬於違規
: 43.3. Penalty
: 罰則
: 43.3.1. If a free throw is successful and the violation(s) is committed by t
: free-throw shooter, the point, if made, shall not count.
: 如果罰球中籃,但是罰球員違規的情形,則球進分數不算
: Any other player's violation which occurs immediately before, at
: approximately the same time as, or after the violation committed by
: the free-throw shooter shall be disregarded.
: 如果罰球員違規,則在之前、同時或是之後的其他球員違規均不追究
: The ball shall be awarded to the opponents for a throw-in at the
: free-throw line extended unless there is a further free throw(s) or
: possession penalty to be administered.
: 43.3.2. If a free throw is successful and the violation(s) is committed by a
: player(s) other than the free-throw shooter:
: o The point, if made, shall count.
: o The violation(s) shall be disregarded.
: 如果罰球中籃,而其他球員違規時:中籃有效,且不追究違例
: In case of the last or only free throw, the ball shall be awarded to
: the opponents for a throw-in at any place at the endline.
: 43.3.3. If a free throw is not successful and the violation is committed by:
: o A free-throw shooter or his team-mate on the last or only free throw, the
: ball shall be awarded to the opponents for a throw-in at the free-throw li
: extended unless that team is entitled to further possession.
: o An opponent of the free-throw shooter, a substitute free throw shall be
: awarded to the free-throw shooter.
: 如果罰球未進,而罰球員的對手違例時,由罰球員重新罰球
: o Both teams, on the last or only free throw, a jump ball situation occurs.
: 研究了規定後,我認為:
: 富邦搶籃板球員進場過早干擾了QD的罰球,屬於罰球違規在先沒錯
: 但是QD還是要球投出完成罰球動作
: 之後如果罰球沒進,裁判才會吹判重新罰球
: QD因為沒有出手,裁判要判罰球假動作或是5秒違規都可以
: 根據43.3.1 如果罰球員違規,則在之前、同時或是之後的其他球員違規均不追究
: 因此我認為這次吹判沒有問題,大家討論看看0.0
作者: beautydots (看球人)   2017-02-06 08:33:00
作者: bigmiker (大麥克)   2017-02-06 11:11:00
罰球偷一球+書偉落地傳球=4分 僕原還能贏真的厲害
作者: james21 (天佑臺南)   2017-02-06 11:14:00
作者: MinShooter (三井一郎)   2017-02-06 11:53:00
作者: bigwesttt (bigwesttt)   2017-02-06 12:00:00
作者: JJ1210   2017-02-06 12:41:00
富黑不ey好幾球很明顯就是璞園球 裁判很順手的指富邦球 麥要挑戰才立即改判
作者: vi6 (vi6)   2017-02-06 13:00:00
作者: yangmie (楊咩)   2017-02-06 13:03:00
當然不對 那個人會被吹T
作者: AllInKing (ㄡ印俠)   2017-02-06 14:22:00
作者: jason7881788 (jason )   2017-02-06 15:43:00
作者: yangmie (楊咩)   2017-02-06 15:58:00
當然不行阿 但是在裁判的解釋上你就是得先完成出手才能吹另外我是認為原文的not successful就是沒投進 這是網路上找到香港官方版整個規則書裡面successful這個字都是用來描述球有沒有進而你的描述是屬於投籃動作有沒有完成 我是覺得不同
作者: blackhearted (...)   2017-02-06 17:24:00
作者: lifeenjoy123 (享受生活)   2017-02-06 18:09:00
作者: beautydots (看球人)   2017-02-06 23:22:00
作者: jack368451 (i556612000)   2017-02-07 09:23:00

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