Re: [討論] 228 會不會覺得少部分人已經走火入魔了?

作者: lunashining (asdfgh)   2017-03-03 08:56:05
※ 引述《sobiNOva (星星徹夜未眠)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《heci1941 ()》之銘言:
: : 的是歎為觀止!
: : 確實,如果在討論轉型正義,國民黨一定要狠狠的給他追討下去,
: : 絕不能輕放!但是請問郝龍斌說轉型正義要連「日本殖民時代」一起
: : 追朔,這有什麼錯?
: 少主龍斌沒讀書妳跟她一起沒讀書啊,轉型正義是這樣用的嗎?
: 轉型正義是對自己國家以前因為獨裁或是利用各種立法行政司法手段
: 等制度型犯罪"侵害別人,造成人民無法實現正義的平反
: 比如說國庫通黨庫,弄個匪諜罪亂打人亂殺人,納粹屠殺猶太人等等
: 等國家民主法治化後對之前受害的人進行的平反
: 所以才叫"轉型"正義
: 國家轉變型態後才有辦法追求的正義..懂?
: 說要去追討到日本時代的人根本是智障
: 對我就是說郝龍斌這個廢材二世主
: 你對日本賠償有意見妳只要去告日本政府就好了 ,干轉型正義屁事喔
: 879.2....
The origins of the transitional justice field can be traced back to the
post-World War II period in Europe with the establishment of the
International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg and the various de-Nazification
programs in Germany and the trials of Japanese soldiers at Tokyo Tribunal. To
be precise, what became known as the "Nuremberg Trials", when the victorious
allied forces extended criminal justice to Japanese and German soldiers and
their leaders for war crimes committed during the war, marked the genesis of
transitional justice. The field gained momentum and coherence during the
1980s and onwards, beginning with the trials of former members of the
military juntas in Greece (1975), and Argentina (Trial of the Juntas, 1983).
The focus of transitional justice in the 1970s and 1980s was on criminal
justice with a focus on human rights promotion. This led to a worldwide focus
and progressive rise of human rights regime culminating in the establishments
of international human rights laws and conventions.

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