[情報] Evilly Q&A(及10/3 Q&A)

作者: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-10-04 00:23:12
基本上兩篇是一樣的東西。我把相同東西的放在一起只翻一次就好 (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
VK Wotleaks community published a short Q&A with Anton “Evilly” Pankov,
World of Tanks producer, who answered some questions at the current Igromir
game expo in Moscow. The asking player’s name was Pavel Popov (so you know
who to blame if this turns out to be crap :) )
VK Wotleaks 貼出了一篇在莫斯科 Igromir 電玩展上和 Anton “Evilly” Pankov 的
小型問答。發問者是 Pavel Popov(讓你們知道該找誰負責 XD)
- there will be a global HE shell rebalance, the developers will also collect
HESH statistics (for rework). Murazor (SS: known WG videomaker) proposed that
the HESH round would “temporarily kill” (stun) the entire crew for 3-5
seconds, the developers liked the idea
- it’s possible that the idea to stun the crew for 3-5 seconds when the
vehicle is hit by a HE shell will be implemented when the HE shells are
會全面重新平衡高爆彈,也在收集 HESH 的資料;Murazor 建議被 HESH 砸到應該全車
被震暈 3~5 秒,開發人員挺尬意的,可能在重新平衡後實裝(含 HE)。
- garage battle mode was finally scrapped, but the feature of using several
tanks in one battle will come in another mode, unspecified in which one (SS:
that would most likely be the new historical battles, the developers actually
confirmed that before)
(SS: 最有可能是重製的歷史戰鬥,之前確認過了)
- there will be a new, unanounced mode, that will be the equivalent of “
garage battles”
- historical battles will be a full PVE mode
重製的「歷史戰鬥」將會是全 PvE 模式
- the feature of player-individual missions (individual missions for each
account) will come soon
- individual missions (that SerB mentioned a year and a half ago) will appear
- gold ammunition will not be removed, developers are however considering
lowering the gold shell alpha
- there will be several versions (iterations) of Havok. The first version
will bring the “destruction of external objects”
- Havok will come in 3-4 rounds, first rounds – beautiful destruction, round
2-3 is new motion physics and some other things
Havok 功能將會分成三到四階段實裝;第一階段是物件摧毀系統,二、三階段是新移動
- free FV4202? Apparently, Evilly hinted at some sort of mission to get it
(譯者:對於 FV4202 轉金車,Evilly 依然是解任務派的,等 Storm 的說法較實在)
作者: batterykugua (battery)   2014-10-04 09:56:00
邱三*2 我帶你們上十階場請你們同時暈好4個人 (誤

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