[情報] 9/15 16 Q&A

作者: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-09-17 11:27:42
- it’s possible that there will be a medal (award) for killing someone with
a ricocheted shell
- mantlet thickness of Object 263 is 250mm, there are no “holes” in it
Object 263 的砲盾厚 250mm,而且沒有弱點
- there are no publicly accessible data about the mantlet armor of Object 263
Object 263 的砲盾沒有公開資料可查
- Q: “Why is the KV-85 100mm rate of fire so high, it’s higher than the one
of D-10S on SU-100?” A: “The reason of this rate of fire is game balance.
SU-100 can mount the D-10S gun, which has a different set of characteristics
than the corresponding S-34, mounted on KV-85 – for example more penetration
(175 vs 170 of KV-85). Therefore, it’s nothing unusual that there are
differences in other characteristics as well. At the same time, the “top”
gun of the SU-100 in the game is 122mm, which makes the vehicle equal to
other vehicles of its tier in combat characteristics. During the balancing
phase, the stats of the D-10T gun, mounted on the IS tank, were brought to
such a level as to correspond the S-34 on KV-85 in order not to be inferior
to it as a part of the characteristics continuity withing one tank branch.”
為啥 KV-85 上的 100mm砲射速比 SU-100 的 D-10S 砲要快?A:「平衡因素。SU-100 有
122mm 頂砲可用。而 IS 上的 D-10T 主砲性能調整到和 KV-85 的 S-34 雷同,是為了避
- the crew role change is not difficult to implement technically, it will come
- 9.3 ricochet angle calculation and its following trajectory will be
calculated the same way it was in 9.2
9.3 跳彈角度計算以及跳彈彈道計算都跟 9.2 相同
(譯者:跳彈可擊傷另一台車;AP 和 APCR 跳彈後穿深減25%,傷害不變;二次跳彈後砲
- it’s possible that in 9.4, the Type 62 crew setup will be changed to
correspond the one of WZ-131
有可能在 9.4 把六二式的組員分工調整成跟溫州-131一樣
- Storm states that even if the developers wanted to give free XP
compensation for Chaffee now, there’s no time left to do it anyway before
the patch is released
- developers will try to implement increased view range for the entire light
tank class
Also, please note that the “Crab Village” map leaked earlier is apparently
an internal WG map, used for testing the vehicles.
之前流出的「Crab Village」地圖純粹是公司內部測試車輛用的地圖
- Q: “Will the Chaffee case be the only case of compensation?” A: “We will
see every time individually, if there are any such cases in the future.”
- the Chaffee compensation (43340 XP) will be added to the current XP you
have on the Chaffee. This is the final decision, it won’t be changed.
- the Chaffee solution was accepted because “it’s a fast and simple solution

- Storm confirms: FV215b (120) will be changed to Chieftain Mk.3 and FV4202
to Centurion Action X
FV215b (120) 會被 Chieftain Mk.3 取代,而 FV4202 會被 Centurion Action X 取代
- FV215b (120) will not stay in the game
FV215b (120) 會完全退役
- Storm states that the Chieftain will be better than FV215b
Storm 表示酋長式會比 FV215b 要好
- Storm states that he can’t say whether Action X turret will be durable
(good for “tanking”), models have to be made first and it has to be tested,
but the turret will be tough overall
Storm 無法保證 Action X 可以拿來賣頭,要等建模完測試才知道,但基本上會是硬的
- patch 9.3 will come soon
很快會更新 9.3
- no plans to allow player to buy “event tanks” for money
- according to Storm, the real fate of the FV4202 premium (for free or not)
will be announced “closer to winter” – for now the current info (SS: by
Evilly about the mission apparently) should be better disregarded
Storm 表示,FV4202 轉金車的詳細資訊會「接近冬季」時公佈;最好無視目前的任何消
息(例如 Evilly 的解任務說法)
- apparently, if I understand it correctly, it’s possible that if the queue
waiting time for a tank is above certain limit, it’s possible for the
matchmaker to override the “similiar time spent on each battletier” and,
for example, if it was your turn to end up as a top tank but there are few
tanks below your tier for the team to be built that way, it will put you on
the bottom of the team instead to avoid waiting
- there are some performance fixes in 9.3, addressing the “freezes” (that
happen when an enemy tank is lit up for the first time) and the developers
are still working on performance increase as well
9.3 會有些效能修正
- no plans to allow the change of crew nationality
- Russian players are complaining that the IS-7 barrel is low res (it
basically is not a circle, it has 12 sides or so, very rectangular and
visible). This however will be the version that will appear on the live
俄國玩家抱怨 IS-7 HD 版還在用低畫質十二邊形砲管。但正式上線時就會是這個模組。
- XP for “tanking” will return, but later
- the characteristics of new LT’s are final
- the bug when the tank “twists” after being spotted was fixed in 9.3
9.3 會修正車輛在被點亮時瞬移的錯誤
- there is a small bug in the stock ISU-152 gun barrel (there is a hole).
Storm: “Small thing.”
ISU-152 的砲管有錯(有個洞)。Storm:「小事一件」
- it’s not known for now, what will happen to T-62A turret, when the tank is
reworked to HD
還不確定 T-62A HD化的時候砲塔會怎麼改
- KV-85 turrets’ appearance (SS: they both look the same apparently) is
KV-85 兩個砲塔看起來一樣是正確的
- apparently, some model bugs that are known will not be fixed in 9.3,
developers didn’t manage to make it on time
有些模組錯誤不會在 9.3 修正,來不及搞好
- the “weld” on the Maus turret that some players reported as a bug is
actually correct, on real tank it’s not visible because it was carefully
painted over by several coats of paint
- IS-7 armor is “historical, where it’s possible and we have enough data”.
The turret slope is generally correct (there might be differences in sloping
in range of single degrees), the only exact answer could be provided by 3D
laser scanning the tank. Developers didn’t do that yet but they have the
option to and it’s completely possible they will in the future.
IS-7 的裝甲「盡我們收集到的資料還原史實」。砲塔的角度大致正確(誤差一度內)
唯一取得正確資料的方式是把實車用3D雷射掃描。WG 還沒這麼做,但很可能以後會。
- Maus will not be buffed. Of all tier 10′s, it’s first in damage blocked
by armor and second in winrate and average XP per battle.
不會 buff 鼠式。它的坦傷數值是全十階車中最高,每場經驗和勝率是第二高。
- IS-7 pintle machinegun will not return, the feedback is that it’s okay the
way it is in HD
IS-7 車頂的機槍座不會立起來,HD 模組玩家反應還好。
作者: batterykugua (battery)   2014-09-17 12:18:00
已經吃了 像是新年紀念之類的只是內文是寫"活動車"我要在隨機戰鬥玩T-62A SPORT!整場在挨打就是在發揮老鼠的價值(?

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