[北美][EB1 ] 請教TN VISA和I-140/485的關係

作者: ckey (搖搖尾巴嘆口氣)   2016-09-09 13:53:32
想請教前輩們一個關於TN VISA和I-140/485的關係的問題.
(律師會申請EB1, 先遞交140, 通過後才遞交485)
但是同時, 我太太也有加拿大國籍(是無稅務公民),
她正在找工作, 找到工作後會申請TN VISA.
理想的狀態是: 她可以先用TN邊工作, 一邊等和我的綠卡申請.
1.a 我丟I-140時, 會需要列我太太的名字嗎?
1.b 如果我先丟I-140出去後, 太太才找到工作, 這時候他還可以新申請TN VISA嗎?
"please note that listing your wife on the I-140OR petition (Form I-140)
will not negatively impact your wife's process. Also and most importantly,
please note that the AOS (Adjustment of Status, Form I-485) - the step
after the I-140OR petition has been approved - has not yet been initiated
and will not be initiated until after the I-140OR has been approved.
Moreover, once we are ready to initiate the AOS, you can - at that time -
speak with an Attorney regarding the overall process and the impact,
if any, it can have on you and your wife's status'."
意思是說I-140不會影響到, 我先丟. 等到丟I-485時才會有影響需要討論.
(2)我在網路查到, 有人說丟了I-140, 已經申請到的TN不會失效,但是不能renew.
對照我們的狀況是, 丟了I-140後才申請TN, 這樣應該和renew一樣是不行.
2.我太太是加拿大無稅務公民, 這會影響到她的TN申請嗎?
問題很細, 我查了很都資料還是沒有看到明確的答案.
想請教前輩們的意見, 感激!!

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