[解答] 聯想tempo 39 英文版(恭喜提示王:感漾)

作者: aculirose (A R K)   2018-06-06 01:40:17
│人數│六人以上,分兩隊對抗         △違反三處黃字規定者次題休息│
│流程│共16題,每題由三位玩家提示,題目以站內信告知           │
│  │提示者→90秒內三人各提示一次,最多七個單字(不含空格及標點),  │
│  │    前方加★號。每題答對者自動成為次題提示者         │
│  │答題者→每題一人限答一次,不需等全部提示完;無人答對將進行第二輪 │
│注意│提示不可出現通告中限制的字;不可直譯、諧音。文法錯沒關係  │
  ═══聰明隊═══ ═══睿智隊═══  │  ─答題王─ ─提示王─
      6分        10分  勝   │    3題     7票  
 ┌────────┐┌────────┐ │ ┌────┐┌────┐
 │ 感漾│   ││  考克│2   │ │ │ 威力 ││ 感漾 │
 │ 惡魔│2   ││  織織│2   │ │ ╰────╯╰────╯
 │  鯊鯊│1   ││  寂星│2   │ │       
 │  阿岳│1   ││ 照照│1   │ │
 │  奶綠│2   ││  威力│3   │ │
 │   │    ││    │    │ │
 │ │    ││ │    │ │               
 │    │    ││    │    │ │       
 │    │    ││    │    │ │       
 ╰────────╯╰────────╯ │     
☆題目整理 ‧總覽:https://i.imgur.com/SXUYZo5.png
01                   02
│阿岳│2, four years for president ││感漾│green still say that for white│
│  │              ││  │              │
│寂星│2, people do before President ││織織│2, give pears to brother  │
│  │   go white house ││  │              │
│鯊鯊│2, put red stamp paper in box ││阿岳│2, dpp should do for Ko P │
│織織│投票      0:1││奶綠│禮讓           1:1│
03                   04
│感漾│always follow the sop ││威力│2, teacher punish with kind of│
│  │              ││  │  plant.          │
│奶綠│before you use new one, ││照照│2, teacher use it hit student │
│  │ you read││  │  hands│
│照照│3,use machine need before read││阿岳│mother hit you with this plant│
│威力│說明書      1:2││考克│藤條           1:3│
05                  06
│感漾│place eat fires        ││感漾│ahhh it's very hurt song │
│  │              ││  │          │
│考克│restaurant type with burgers ││威力│2, understand, a female singer│
│  │ and fries ││  │  song│
│阿岳│3, buy food very quick ││照照│2, take something │
│威力│速食店      1:4││惡魔│領悟           2:4│
07                  08
│惡魔│4, I GIVE YOU TWO MORE MONTHs ││感漾│all you take but you want more│
│  │              ││  │          │
│考克│use this final weapon to warn ││寂星│7,give you good, you want more│
│  │ you││  │             │
│鯊鯊│you must finish HW before it ││照照│7,take good price like clown │
│寂星│最後通牒      2:5││織織│得了便宜還賣乖     2:6│
09                  10
│感漾│half island is very nice song ││威力│3, sweet banned in singapore │
│  │              ││  │          │
│織織│2, like the previous style ││感漾│can't eat on MRT │
│  │    ││  │             │
│阿岳│2, recall the past time ││照照│3, a candy makes good smile │
│威力│懷舊       2:7││寂星│口香糖          2:8│
11                  12
│感漾│love must need that ││感漾│you got 5 point │
│  │              ││  │          │
│鯊鯊│2, make you a hero ││威力│2, right at first answer │
│  │    ││  │             │
│寂星│2, adjective ││考克│ya │
│考克│勇敢       2:9││照照│通靈           2:10│
13                  14
│照照│take goood care for parents ││威力│2, what shows on watch/clock │
│  │              ││  │          │
│感漾│LoL the man is very heart ││寂星│2, tic tac tic tac │
│  │ parents││  │             │
│阿岳│2, do your best to parents ││惡魔│2, star ship jump │
│惡魔│孝順       3:10││奶綠│時間           4:10│
15                  16
│照照│2, very nice guy bro ││威力│2, every 4 year vote │
│感漾│zhi and 7201 is very good ││  │         │
│ │ partner││照照│2,candidate need this activity│
│奶綠│you shoulder(v.) with ││ │ │
│感漾│go to hill with you    ││鯊鯊│2, you will vote at this event│
│奶綠│we are like kindly groups │╞══════════════════╡
│照照│asshole brother ││阿岳│選舉           6:10│
│鯊鯊│死黨(二輪) 5:10│
出處、作者:台灣綜藝節目《天才衝衝衝》同名單元 參考瞎拚ABC
作者: vincent30708 (vincent30708)   2018-06-06 01:42:00
首推 亞克晚安
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作者: nodnarb1027 (nodnarb1027)   2018-06-06 06:25:00
作者: miyokumiyoko (感漾)   2018-06-06 07:02:00
作者: purplehsin (阿依)   2018-06-06 07:57:00
作者: michael7201 (燮)   2018-06-06 08:49:00
作者: MrSherlock (夏樂克)   2018-06-06 09:12:00
推 看到整面的英文,頭有點痛...
作者: nodnarb1027 (nodnarb1027)   2018-06-06 09:12:00
作者: MrSherlock (夏樂克)   2018-06-06 09:15:00
(把手指也跟著含進嘴裡 嚼嚼
作者: scbk67748 (鯊鯊)   2018-06-06 10:13:00
作者: nodnarb1027 (nodnarb1027)   2018-06-06 10:15:00
作者: timlin1989 (風)   2018-06-06 12:17:00
作者: cj6u40 (阿克)   2018-06-06 15:16:00
作者: awfulday (糟糕的一天 櫻雨綿綿)   2018-06-07 00:05:00

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