
作者: mingonly (想要告訴你!)   2023-02-14 17:26:51
He’s just a phenomenal ball player… outside stealing his sneakers I don’t kno
w what else to do." Darvin Ham gives credit to Dame tonight and talks about the
Lakers figuring things out.
他是個了不起的球員,除了偷他的球鞋,我不知道還能做什麼。Darvin Ham在今晚讚揚了Da
Did you feel like they were getting an abundance of open looks the Blazers?
Not, we checked the analytical data at halftime. And, according to that data, ou
r defensive shot quality we would have been one in the league. They were Contest
ed Shots, they moved the ball. Some of them I was by Design certain guys that we
gave it, but they make shots tonight. seventeen threes in a half? That's incred
He’s such an elite level scorer, basketball player. Smart, finding different wa
ys to get the ball even though we’re trying to deny him off the ball. His movem
ents, the way he navigates and uses screens. He’s just a phenomenal ball player
, Simons as well.
他是一流的得分手,能找到不同的方法拿球,即使我們試圖阻止他無球。 他就會利用掩護
You just try to do your best to make it as difficult as possible for him. Outsid
e of stealing his sneakers, I don’t know what else you can do. You play good D
and he still knocks down shots.”
你要做的就是盡你所能讓他打的不舒服。 除了偷他的球鞋,我不知道還能做什麼。 你防的

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