
作者: mingonly (想要告訴你!)   2021-09-15 12:59:38
Too often the NBA's greatest-of-all-time debate gets boiled down to Jordan v
s. LeBron. I know this bothers many observers who were old enough to watch y
ou play; how bothersome is it to you to be excluded from the GOAT discussion
GOAT discussions are fun, like debating who’s faster: Superman or the Flash
. It’s a metaphysical mystery. The question can never be answered because p
layers from the past were trained under different restrictions and played un
der different rules,” the Lakers icon explained. “Then you have to ask wha
t to give more weight to: Scoring, defense, assists? All of them? But the st
ats don’t always reveal the particular conditions and challenges of each se
ason. Way too many variables.
然後你會問更看重什麼:得分、防守還是助攻? 或是全部都看? 但數據並不總能體現

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