Re: [新聞] 金恩夫人痛斥執法雙重標準

作者: sandiegopadr (???)   2018-09-09 20:25:09
※ 引述《cronaldo17 (cronaldo)》之銘言:
: Billie Jean King Says Serena Williams Penalized at U.S. Open Due to "Double
: Standard"
: 金恩夫人痛斥裁判執法雙重標準
: "When a woman is emotional, she’s 'hysterical' and she’s penalized for
: it," King said of Williams' outburst at a Grand Slam match that lost her the
: game.
: 「當女生展露情緒,就是歇斯底里,就該受罰」
: Billie Jean King, once the top-ranked American female tennis player in the
: world, weighed in on the eventful U.S. Open match on Saturday that led to
: Serena Williams calling the chair umpire a "thief."
: 美國網壇傳奇金恩夫人對這次小威與主審在美網女單決賽發生的爭議事件發表看法。
: "Several things went very wrong during the @usopen Women’s Finals today,"
: King wrote on Twitter later that day. "Coaching on every point should be
: allowed in tennis. It isn’t, and as a result, a player was penalized for the
: actions of her coach. This should not happen."
: 金恩夫人在推特寫道:「這場美網女單決賽變了調」
: 「教練場邊指導任何一分都是該被允許的」
: 「一個選手因為場邊教練的舉動被罰?這種情況不該發生!」
這我在原文章推文了 規定就是不行
: King, the founder of the Women's Tennis Association and the Women's Sports
: Foundation, continued, "When a woman is emotional, she’s 'hysterical' and she
: ’s penalized for it. When a man does the same, he’s 'outspoken' & and there
: are no repercussions. Thank you, @serenawilliams, for calling out this double
: standard. More voices are needed to do the same."
: 金恩夫人:「當女生展露情緒,就是歇斯底里,就該受罰」
: 「當男生表現情緒,就是真性情,不會有任何後果」
案例比較如下 為了避免性別上先入為主的成見 選手名稱以代號稱呼:
某Wi選手因被線審抓發球踩線 心生不滿 對該名線審表示"要把網球塞進她嘴裡
同時緩刑兩年 如果這期間未再有任何攻擊行為 罰款減至82000鎂
案例1的行為確實低級猥褻 但是對比賽進行並無影響 最多就是讓觀眾眼睛髒髒的而已
案例2的行為直接衝著裁判 頗具攻擊性的語言不僅失當
更有可能因為如此 使裁判心生畏怖 對比賽的公平性有所衝擊
如此嚴重不但可以以金錢代替禁賽 甚至還有緩刑期有機會讓罰款打折
: 「謝謝妳,小威!控訴這種因性別差異而存在的雙重標準」
: 「我們需要更多的聲音來支持性別平等」
我支持性別平等 人不應該因為性別受到任何優待或歧視
: During Williams' Saturday Grand Slam match against Naomi Osaka, which took
: place at the tennis center named after King herself, the USTA Billie Jean
: King National Tennis Center, the tennis player demanded that chair umpire
: Carlos Ramos apologize after he issued her a warning for a code violation for
: receiving coaching. Coaching is not allowed in the event's Grand Slam
: matches. Williams countered that she would never cheat.
: 小威要求判罰的主審向她道歉,自己深知大滿貫賽不允許教練場邊指導,而她從不欺騙。
所以威廉絲小姐都說他知道coaching是不允許的 妳們統一個說法好不好?
: At another point in the game, a frustrated Williams threw her racket on the
: court and destroyed it, which prompted Ramos to give her a second code
: violation and took away one point. "You stole a point from me. You're a
: thief, too," Williams told him. The outburst prompted Ramos to give her a
: third code violation, which lost the game and ended the match 5-3 for Osaka.
: 當小威因摔拍第二度被主審警告後遭到罰分,
: 小威痛斥主審:「你偷走我的一分」、「你是個賊」
: 之後再被主審第三度警告,遭到罰局。
: When Ramos attempted to explain his ruling, Williams told him: "There's a lot
: of men out here that have said a lot of things and because they are men that
: doesn't happen."
: 當主審向小威解釋判罰的規則,小威駁斥:「這邊很多男性選手說過很多同樣的話,
: 但因為他們是男生,什麼事都不會發生」
我不知道Billie Jean King是不是開自助餐
作者: nixon (為人民幣服務)   2018-09-09 20:46:00
作者: g204094 (吉尼)   2018-09-09 20:51:00
作者: Scarletbird   2018-09-09 21:57:00
還好大阪是黑人 不然還能嗆騎士
作者: Eeli2008 (Eeli2008)   2018-09-09 22:20:00
很煩 吵不能coaching或是裁罰瑕疵還比較好 一直人家是女森…
作者: tpemk66 (NP507)   2018-09-09 22:50:00

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