Re: [題目] 多益練習題求解

作者: drkkimo (花貓~ 努力工作)   2018-10-06 15:51:29
For improving my English skill(and also yours),hereby I try to explain to you
that why you should choose (B), in English.
There is no such thing as a "completely statistical report" or "partially
statistical report". If a report is statistical,it's just statistal.
(OK,actually there could be a "partially statistical,partially something else"
report,but if it's not partially statistical,you don't need to say "
But a report might be completed by someone,so the term "completed statistical
report" makes sense.
Put my two cents in,just forgive my poor English please.
簡單說 不用特別強調報告"完全具統計性質" 這樣很奇怪
個人看法.., 其實我也不確定我是對的xd
※ 引述《mic828hael (麥叩)》之銘言:
: 這是家人拿來問我的多益題目,然後我就被考倒了.....
: 題目:A ___ statistical report has already been sent to the marketing department.
: A. completing
: B. completed
: C. completely
: D. to complete
: 疑問:這題我是選C,原因是statistical是形容詞,所以選C副詞來修飾形容詞
: 但題目給的答案居然是B!! 想請問為什麼可以用形容詞+形容詞這樣的搭配呢?

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