[心得] 送修 Seagate HDD

作者: LongRanger (孤星)   2017-08-01 08:43:43
話說我在這邊問過怎麼送修聽到機機機的硬碟, 然後我把國內能送都都送過了
有一天, 突然發現這個
實驗室內復原, 然後點下去提交案例..然後刷個 49 米金...
然後就是填資料了, 地址要填英文的, 這樣他寄給你才能收的到, 如果是美國會有
DHL 上門收, 台灣要自己寄 DHL (太貴了, 我有比較便宜方法), 然後就會收到信:
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for your data recovery submission case number 0xxxxxx
Please print the attached label and paste it on the exterior of your media
Thank you,
Seagate Recovery Services
然後附件檔有往那寄的資訊, 這時後就拿個小箱子裝好, 寫上住址, 拿去郵局寄掛號
寄去荷蘭以我狀況, 我寄掛號大概 NT450, 缺點是會等到天荒地老, 等啊等的 2Week
過去, 就收到了...
唔 他會不會發現理面滿滿的A 片 (遮臉, 不是是照片, 希望他能撈一點是一點...
提供給需要的人參考, 我沒送過其他牌子的, 我這顆 HDD 有開過盤3 次他還是收
Seagate 寄給我的信:
Hello Mr xxxx
Our technicians have concluded their data recovery attempts on your drive.
Unfortunately I do not have good news to report
Your device is seriously degraded to the point where data recovery is not
possible. The drive has serious scratching to the disk surfaces within, this
prevents our technicians from recovering any data as the scratching is in
critical areas of the drive.
Unfortunately we are unable to assist in this case

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