Re: [新聞] 惠普勝訴 可取得廣明資產

作者: Liberl (利貝爾)   2020-06-12 21:17:00
: 第二 廣明與友達案的差異在哪?
: 廣明的重要論點[HP非直接交易者或由海外子公司購買]應該有抓住關鍵問題但還是輸
: 一審採信Dr.Aron的說法而忽略HP採購主管都搞不清楚哪個事業體購買廣明零件這事
: 但友達持類似論點卻戰贏摩托羅拉 這樣還能說廣明法律策略有錯嗎?
: 是這位Aron太大咖 誰找來誰就能勝訴嗎?
惠普的專家證人 Debra J. Aron
目前服務於Charles River Associates 頭銜是Vice President
這是一間財務金融諮詢顧問公司 平常就在輔助商業訴訟
至於她本人則是UCLA經濟系學士 芝加哥大學經濟系PhD
Dr. Debra J. Aron is a Vice President in the Competition Practice. Debra
applies her expertise in economic and policy matters, including competition
and antitrust analysis, intellectual property, class certification, and
damages analysis, in both regulatory and litigation disputes. She has
provided expert testimony for over 20 years in a variety of high-stakes
federal, state, regulatory, and arbitration cases relating to the development
of competition in regulated and emerging markets; pricing; market definition;
price fixing damages; investment in new technologies; unjust enrichment;
reasonable royalties; and economic cost analyses. She also has conducted
competition analyses in several high-profile mergers and macroeconomic
analyses of pricing and investment changes.
Dr. Aron’s work spans many industries, including energy, consumer beverages,
and manufactured products. She has a particular expertise in
telecommunications, media, and technology. Her work in this area includes
antitrust, intellectual property, class action, breach of contract, and
regulatory matters involving wireless telecommunications services, wireline
telecommunications services, broadband services, satellite services, wireless
handsets, network equipment, telephone numbering systems, intercarrier
compensation, universal service regulation, regulatory pricing and cost
analysis, computer hardware, computer software, newspapers, and maps.
但確實是在實務上 非常常見而且重要的角色
我是不知道廣明有沒有經濟學家專家證人 (至少到目前為止的公開訊息沒有公布)
但萬一還真的沒有 這在法庭攻防注定吃虧
兩造請來的經濟學家專家證人也會互相吵架 找出對方模型的漏洞
如果只有惠普有專家證人 那只是在場上被屌打而已
BTW Debra Aron似乎也是華為找來的專家證人就是了XD
順便推薦一下一本我覺得很不錯的書XD (12年前看的XD)
作者是認知記憶的心理學專家 常常受"被告"聘僱上法庭
其實過程還滿殘忍的XD (如果是站在受害一方的立場來看的話)
作者: cuteSquirrel (松鼠)   2020-06-12 21:18:00

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