
作者: benit17   2015-10-24 18:24:41
NBA coach blasts Fredette: 'Jimmer thinks everybody is stupid'
NBA教練砲轟寂寞 : 寂寞覺得大家都是笨蛋
There was no more divisive, controversial figure in the 2011 NBA draft than
Jimmer Fredette.
在2011年的選秀中,不會有人比Jimmer Fredette更具爭議性的角色
Scouts were split on Fredette and how he’d fit in the NBA. There was no
question the man could shoot the rock, but in college the offense was geared
toward him with the ball in his hands, plus his defensive problems were not
exploited. The question was whether a GM thought he could adapt his game to
the NBA where he would have to work more in a system. The Kings believed he
could, they traded down to get him at No. 10
作者: jetrider (傑特萊德)   2015-10-24 18:37:00
如果是心態問題 那就不可惜了
作者: Coolest (似魔鬼的步伐)   2015-10-24 18:38:00
作者: magicchen (不遠)   2015-10-24 19:29:00
Redick也是這樣過來的阿 NBA不會因為妳而改變 而是你要學著改變 除非你是百年難得奇才LBJ SHAQ之流的人物
作者: TsaoJJ (完全沒有畫面)   2015-10-24 22:14:00
作者: joumay (怪怪的小其)   2015-10-24 22:24:00
不能自我調整 那就只好 bye~~~
作者: vogue38 (這年)   2015-10-24 22:33:00
作者: SilenceWFL (小綠)   2015-10-24 22:51:00
他太矮了~我說寂寞 這讓他先天上就有困難像紅屌那樣
作者: mingzeng (正字標記)   2015-10-24 23:52:00
除非能真像以前大物級新秀如的mj 俠客 td外 根本沒人去鳥你以前在學校有多猛 進nba後根本就是天與地的差別 統統都麻要先配合球隊陣型才有機會多上場時間 以前一對一防守對進攻技巧出色的球員是有利 也容易出頭 但現在打區域聯防不配合球隊戰術去打 要一直有好表現也難 總之「先求有再求好」應該對現在nba新秀來說也通用吧!
作者: jack7614614 (林阿軒)   2015-10-25 02:13:00
作者: Splitter (Tiagogogo)   2015-10-25 02:40:00
作者: awhat (La Mer)   2015-10-25 14:22:00
作者: Accross (創業小莉絲)   2015-10-25 15:18:00
作者: ajfever (Always Reds)   2015-10-25 16:52:00
作者: EMADO   2015-10-25 19:09:00
其實上場15分鐘拿7分算不錯了 應該是他在場上失分更多吧..

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