[閒聊] Titanfall server improvements

作者: ms06r (ms06r)   2014-03-22 11:18:33
遊戲名稱:神兵泰坦 (必填,未填者依板規處理)
/21/2014 Server Changelog
Balancing adjustments and general changes
- The damage indicator from Electric Smoke is now much more
- Search Drones will now show up in Classic Modes of Angel City
- Arc grenade/mine effects no longer draw on friendly Pilots and
- Lowered the point value of defensive actions in Hardpoint mode
and CTF.
- Increased the score limit in Attrition
- Flag Return points reduced
- Flag Carrier killed points reduced
- Explosives detonated by Dead Man's Trigger are now slightly
- Explosives detonated by Dead Man's Trigger now play a warning
sound before exploding
- Slightly decreased the damage of the Smart Pistol when not
locked onto a Pilot
- Slightly decreased the hip-fire accuracy of the Smart Pistol
- Certain Burn Cards could be exploited to give multiple uses
- Evac Dropships are now more responsive to Pilots entering them
- Hacking a Mega Turret will now restore it's health to full
- Cluster Missiles damage reduced against Evac Dropships
Bug Fixes
- Titan could become stuck in the position he lands in
- Auto-Titan wouldn't stand up until you embarked into it
- Several rare server issues restarting the game in to the lobby
- Pilot could end up out of bounds while rodeoing a Titan as it is
- Pilot could warp through certain locations when jumping off a
- Rodeoing a Titan that has been doomed by your SMR could kill you
- Players being able to enter some geometry in Smuggler's Cove
- Titanfall will now give proper kill credit when it kills a Pilot
embarking into their Titan
- Minions in Attrition now continue to spawn until the Epilogue
- Player couldn't hack a Mega Turret console
- Server would sometimes error when leeching a Spectre
- Hardpoints sometimes awarded defense score to players not near
the hardpoint
- Rare issue when ejecting from a Titan
- Server would sometimes error after a match while returning to
the lobby
- Double XP burn card sometimes not being applied properl
居然沒有反作弊程式的情況Σ( ̄□ ̄|||),翻譯部分就有勞有在玩的版友了
作者: doomleika (iSuck)   2014-03-22 11:22:00
老實說我挺反對增加Attrition score limit現在大部分玩到250勝負已經很明顯了,再延長只是rape
作者: Weith726 (Weith)   2014-03-22 11:50:00
看到SmartPistol爽了一下 結果只是鼓勵玩家多用鎖定功能
作者: doomleika (iSuck)   2014-03-22 12:17:00
我還是要說smart pistol is fine L2P
作者: bayman361 (+o( )   2014-03-22 15:34:00
所以更新了嗎? 感覺好像也沒下載什麼更新檔但是畫面倒是變得好順,順到都有點不好意思 @Q@>
作者: doomleika (iSuck)   2014-03-22 16:36:00
Server update客戶端應該沒啥改
作者: howar31 (Howar31)   2014-03-22 19:23:00
作者: Weith726 (Weith)   2014-03-22 20:31:00
對Pilot沒鎖定就降傷害 腰射讓你射不準 不就是鼓勵鎖定逆
作者: bayman361 (+o( )   2014-03-23 02:22:00

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