[轉錄] 12/14 Daily Horoscope

作者: style520 (再一次的門外漢,財團見)   2022-12-14 19:22:14
Scorpio horoscope for 星期三 12月 14
You may be battling someone over control of a situation at work or in a project
involving an organization or community you belong to. At this point, Scorpio, it
might not even be about what you want to happen. It may have gotten to a place
where it is more about a feeling of losing control. Take some time today to anal
yze your reasons for feeling so strongly about this. Is it a waste of your time
to pour so much energy into something you don't care that much about? It probabl
y is. This is definitely something to think about.
。 在這一點上,天蠍,這甚至可能不是你想要發生的事情。 它可能已經到了一個更像是失
去控制感的地步。 今天花點時間分析一下你對此有如此強烈感受的原因。 將如此多的精力
投入到你不太關心的事情上是在浪費你的時間嗎? 可能是。 這絕對是值得考慮的事情。

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