[EU4 ] 1.19版更新翻譯(Beta版)

作者: Comartin38 (CM)   2016-11-11 16:51:35
- RoM:自創國家可自創王后
- AoW:宗主國可將從屬國佔的地移交給自己或其他國家
- MN:在外國擁有50以上的間諜網時,可預先得知該國的侵略計畫(如同大嘴巴特質般),
- RoM:貿易品會給予該省加成
商品名 省分加成 全球獨佔獎勵
穀物 +0.5陸軍上限 +20%陸軍上限
葡萄酒 -1省分叛亂率 -1國家叛亂率
羊毛 -10%該省造船花費 -5%造船花費
布料 -10%該省種田花費 -15%傭兵薪資
漁獲 +25%該省水手數 +25%全國水手數
毛皮 +10%省份貿易力 +1年度威望
鹽巴 +15%省分防禦力 -10%陸軍維持費
航海補給 +0.5海軍上限 +20%海軍上限
銅礦 -20%該省造兵速度 -20%造兵速度
金礦 只會加錢與通膨
鐵礦 -20%該省建築速度 -5%造兵花費
奴隸 +1%該省傳教力 +25%全國關稅
象牙 -20%該行省維持費 +2外交聲譽
茶葉 +25%省分守軍成長 -10%顧問簽約金
瓷器 -0.1該省自治變化 +0.25年度正統
香料 +20%敵國偽造宣稱花費 +25%間諜網佈置力
咖啡 +10%該省典範接受速度 +5%全國典範接受速度
棉花 -10%該省種田花費 +20全國殖民速度
蔗糖 -1省分叛亂率 -20%降厭戰花費
菸草 +10%省份貿易力 +25%間諜防禦
可可 +10%省分人力 +5%國家人力恢復速度
絲綢 +2貿易區貿易力 +1可接受文化
染料 +10%省份貿易力 +33%王儲產生率
熱帶木材 -20%省分建築花費 -5%全國種田花費
- 以下國家的兵模翻新
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Prussia, Portugal, Castile, Austria, Holland,
Great Britain, England, Scotland, Thomond, Clanricarde, Venice, Savoy,
Leinster, France, Genoa, Milan, Ferrara, Mantua, Tuscany, Modena, Urbino,
Siena, Naples and Papal State.
- 1.19版會儘可能地相容1.18版的存檔
- 新的多人連線選項可隱藏排行數據
- 新的開局選項可允許堆疊同組理念
- 新的和談條件可終止15年的宿敵關係
- 新的視效選項可在政治地圖模式下顯示阻隔地形
- 自創國家可關閉王儲
- 要塞維持費減半
- 移除對原住民與海外國家的宣戰藉口
- 探索理念練滿可偽造殖民地區(美洲)宣稱
- 擴張理念練滿可偽造公司地區(亞非)宣稱
- 把要塞關閉會產生計分懲罰
- 殖民地等級會影響殖民速度
- 拒絕助陣會扣減1點外交聲譽五年
- 獨佔某些貿易品的獎勵會翻倍
- 棄盟會扣減五點信任度
- 從屬國每點發展度會增加0.25自由渴望
- 法院與市政廳改成減低此行省維持費
- 新造商船與同貿易區的商船隊會合速度更快
- 進入列強會產生5點計分加成
- 併吞從屬國期間若從屬國的省分被敵軍佔領,併吞進度會暫停
- 全球貿易典範會確實在高貿易力的省分增長
- 典範擴散不會莫名其妙地在偏僻省分產出
- ZOC規則大改,每個要塞只會守備同Area的省分
- 戰場寬度不受地形影響
- 自創君主永生特質花費的點數不受年齡影響,固定在800點
- 三國大亂鬥時,被第三國佔走的要塞仍可割讓給第二國
- 交戰雙方的國家皆有軍事通行權
- 被佔省分會被同Area的堡壘收復
- 貪腐度會降叛亂率,達100時降20叛亂
- 高難度下電腦會傾向不借傭兵給玩家
- 設成積極態勢的從屬國,逃跑時不會龜到自己家
- AI在出售省分時,會優先賣給從屬國或主君
- AI也有自己的戰爭迷霧(官方如此宣稱...)
- AI想放棄省分時,會優先塞給從屬國而非歸還核心
- AI土雞在打下君士坦丁堡時,會優先點遷都決議而非浪費點數造核
- 修正AI對保衛海峽的判定
- 多人連線中離委任AI時,可設定只保留同盟但不保留宿敵
- 新增多個中離委任AI選項
- Naive Enthusiast的AI君主會關注AE了
- AI再也不會有要塞維持費減成作弊了
- AI國家的騎兵比例可修改
- AI會考量對方信用度來決定是否棄盟
- 修正AI指派可接受文化的Bug
- AI貿易聯盟盟主會更傾向不放棄貿易力
- AI貿易城邦不會亂買省分以致脫離貿易聯盟
- AI貿易城邦不會設母國為宿敵
- AI貿易城邦會拒絕外交附庸
- 修正AI的宣戰思維
- AI在進攻時會注意兵力集中
- AI若能用決議取得核心,不會浪費點數手動造核
- AI若能藉戰爭取得聯統,會積極發動戰爭
- 調整AI蓋建築的思維
- 有的AI傾向維持邊界完整
- AI不會對聯統國使用強制同化
- 使用左上角的便捷介面時,可選擇是否連從屬國一起顯示
- 自動存檔失敗時的警告更明確
- 準備接受新典範時,會警告國力點數是否因此超過上限
- 加盟神羅的按鈕提示更為明確
- 異教省分對宗教一致性的衝擊會顯示在傳教介面
- 修正殖民花費介面的顯示
- 典範介面會顯示我國要取得新典範還缺哪些條件
- 船艦自動命名在超過99艘時,會由羅馬數字改成阿拉伯數字
- 決議顯示是否符合條件,由簡短符號改成文字顯示
- 便捷介面會顯示軍隊維持費
- 宗教介面會顯示傳教威力
- 軍隊排行榜預設先顯示軍力最強的國家
- 繼承危機警示會先顯示威望最低的國家
- 改進過度擴張警示訊息
- 敵國省分會顯示補給減成
- 經濟介面會顯示發展度
- 運輸艦剛造好時,會提示可裝載更多部隊
- 指定軍隊移動時,會顯示到達該省要花多少時間
- 發展度地圖的顏色更為多樣,以區別窮省富省
- 改善建築花費的顯示顏色
- 建築時間會顯示在建築界面
- 當某國上繳貿易力給我國時,會顯示更多資訊
- 事件與發展度造成的自由渴望,會各自分開顯示
- 可在外國省分介面直接偽造宣稱
- 船隻耐久低於一半時會顯示沉沒警報
- 艦隊因敵國威脅而中止任務時會顯示警告
- 修正右側快捷列將修復船艦圖示隱藏的Bug
- 修正觀看外國君主人格產生的顯示錯誤
- 軍事科技對穩定度的影響,會顯示得更為明確
- 修正當對方願意接受提議時卻仍顯示0%的錯誤
- 外國君主的人格訊息改成黃字顯示
- 修正訊息不一致的Bug
- 修正訊息重覆顯示的Bug
- 修正種田花費明明沒有增減訊息卻顯示有增減的Bug
- 蓋建築時中止鍵會被隱藏,以免誤按
- 將領名稱過長時會予以縮寫
- 修正戰場寬度造成的顯示錯誤
- 貿易聯盟解散的訊息框會做得更大
- 改善異教容忍數值顯示
- 對其軍團各部隊的名稱
- 改善威望增減數值顯示
- 和談要求轉移貿易力時會顯示警告
- 在神羅內部提升政體位階的提示文字會寫得更詳細
- 階級代表討地警示取消多餘的"%"符號
- 修正共和傳統的顯示數值
- 要塞地圖會正確顯示要塞等級
- 原住民聯邦地圖不會顯示奇怪的條紋
- 修正搜尋視窗的位置
- 修正解析度調整介面
- 未殖民地會顯示該省原住民的文化
- 攻城機率的顯示更為一致
- 當省份民族主義為正值時,會顯示紅字
- 將領練出野戰醫院時,補兵速率加成會顯示出來
- 階級參數在右側快捷列會顯示對應顏色
- 船艦封鎖能力會上色
- 當外交行動會產生AE時,會依數值高低排序
- 快捷列排序可依字母先後
- 戰後統計的數字會採用不同顯示方式
- 太子被廢時顯示的訊息不再是簡單的"太子死掉"
- 國家總發展度會一起顯示從屬國的
- 警告恐嚇外國時會顯示外交地圖模式
- 典範提示會顯示發展度的影響
- 新增按鈕以排序和談條件
- 進入快捷介面時畫面會拉近一點
- 行省邊界會以細線顯示在地圖上
- 典範介面會自動引導到即將取得的那個,而非停留在封建制度
- 自創國對配偶的提示更為明確
- 自創國對配偶的命名不須再按倒退鍵
- 改善王儲提示介面
- 新增ZOC地圖模式
- 新增視效選項以供開關行省邊界
- 可直接按從屬國的種田鈕
- 在衣索匹亞新增Eneara國
- 在衣索匹亞新增Janjiro國
- 在1444年增加多個要塞
- 普羅旺斯公國的首都移到Anjou
- 在努比亞新增Dongola國
- 縮小努比亞的Makuria國
- 努比亞到上埃及間的省分重新調整
- 波蘭Vistula省拆分,並增加但澤到科尼斯堡間的海峽
- 北歐Smaland省拆成Tioharad與Kalmar
- 北歐Skane省拆成Lund與Goinge
- 北歐Vastergotland省拆成Skaraborg與Elfsborg
- 北歐Varmland拆成Varmland與Dal
- 新增伊朗Zagros山脈
- 新增摩洛哥High Atlas山脈
- 新增阿爾及利亞Aures山脈
- 塞爾維亞新增Syrmia省
- 伊朗新增Abarquh省
- 阿爾巴尼亞拆成Durres,Lezhe與Vlore三省
- 塞爾維亞拆成Smederevo與Branicevo兩省
- 亞美尼亞新增Armenian Highland山脈
- 裡海南岸新增Alborz山脈
- 安那托利亞東北新增Pontic Mountains山脈
- 傳教任務不會指定到殖民地
- 丹麥新增Frille與Ronnow王朝候選
- 增強1453年丹麥王Christian I Oldenburg的能力
- 某些需要顧問的宗教決議,改成看君主的內政能力有沒有三點
- 傳教會提升更多宗教叛亂率
- 封面人物Christopher III在1618年擁有Arch-King頭銜
- Malevolent與Kind-Hearted人格不能並存
- 丹麥Jutland省拆成Nordjylland,Vestjylland,Kolding與Ostjylland
- Holstein拆成Holstein與Ditmarshen兩省
- 北德新增Ditmarshen國
- 挪威新增Smalandene,Bratsberg,Agdesiden,Romsdal等省,且增加Langfjella山脈
- 挪威Eidsiva省改名Oplandene
- 挪威Sogn省轉成山脈
- 葡萄牙Alentejo省拆成Evora與Beja.且該省一部分併到Lisboa
- 修正中亞的邊界
- 莫斯科新增Rostov省
- 諾夫哥羅德新增Luki省
- 芬蘭Rovaniemi省拆成Rovaniemi,Enare與Kaajani
- 丹麥總發展度由128升到131
- 挪威總發展度由71升到81
- 丹麥Skane省開局會擁有魚市場加成,到16世紀消失,物產會轉成穀物
- 條頓騎士團首都改成Marienburg
- Added show_ambient_object = [name] effect.
- Added hide_ambient_object = [name] effect.
- 新增農民共和政體
- 聖索菲亞大教堂改造成清真寺時會改造型
- Added force_potential flag to MTTH Modifiers to allow forcing potential
trigger checks.
- 某些Area的著色改變
- Puerto Rico改名為Boriken
- 新增葡萄牙文動態省分命名
- 完成威望任務時,會給國力點數而非穩定度
- 降低後期奧地利叛軍事件的嚴重性
- Added reinforce_cost_modifier that gets applied to cost of reinforcements.
Removed support for the free reinforcement cost idea.
- 金帳汗國改名為Great Horde(大帳汗國)
- 新增一個決議讓所有蒙古人國家可重建金帳汗國,只要打下1399年般的疆域
- 新增金帳汗國理念
- Mush,Erzurum與Erzincan三省擁有亞美尼亞文化與信仰
- 島嶼地名會顯示得更為好讀
- Added is_in_war trigger, that supports the following conditions (AND):
attacker_leader, defender_leader, casus_belli, defenders, participants,
war_score, start_date, duration, war_goal_province.
- 克里米亞汗國壯大後,會拒絕土雞的附庸要求
- 卡斯提爾與阿拉貢可使用同樣的成立西班牙決議
- 中非Luba與Ndongo兩國顏色差異更為明顯
- 英格蘭開局擁有Le Mans與Alencon兩省,但有高自治度
- 英格蘭開局會有個事件讓英法兩國再戰
- 殖民主義,印刷術與全球貿易的起源地會更為精確
- 新增更多典範擴散條件
- 調整島嶼所屬Area
- 普羅旺斯開局與法國同盟
- declare_war_with_cb can now take war_goal_province to be able to specify
the province the war is declared for, if valid.
- Holland公國也能觸發伊拉斯謨斯事件
- 在東非新增Oromo,Afar,Harari與Beja文化
- 努比亞新增Beja國
- 衣索匹亞新增Jimma國
- 衣索匹亞新增Welayta國
- Oromo文化可藉事件擴散
- 西非Air國的顏色更為一致
- Moved errors for missing interface elements back to error log, as well as
cleaned up most existing ones.
- 馬爾他騎士團擁有新事件,讓他接受希臘文化
- 新增俄羅斯地區的Odoyev理念
- 新增德意志地區的Ansbach理念
- Fixed grammar in consort_events.61
- 新增衣索匹亞的Shewa叛軍(衣索匹亞大Nerf)
- 衣索匹亞南部拆出Damot附庸
- 衣索匹亞南部拆出Hadiya附庸
- 東非Dembiya省開局信奉猶太教
- 東非Asosa省出產奴隸
- 東非Damot省出產金礦
- 東非Gambela省出產奴隸
- 東非Hadiya省出產穀物
- 東非Dawaro省改由Adal蘇丹國擁有
- debug_nogui console cmd is now allowed in Release.
- 加洲可能出產葡萄酒
- 夏威夷可能出產熱帶木
- Checksum now fits inside the MP lobby.
- 貿易城邦再也不能指派為帝國自由市
- Big SI values with leading zeroes in decimals will now get shown correctly.
- 戰鬥結果會顯示十萬以內的所有數值
- Removed superflous zealot personality block from personality event 15
option b.
- Added back commented out if checks for personality event 20.
- Corrupt viceroys no longer give more corruption when you deal with them and
less if you don't.
- 殖民主義會確實散佈到有港的省分
- Maya Unification wars will no longer be referred to as wars of Imperialism.
- Faction instability events will no longer spawn revolutionary rebels ahead
of time. Instead they will spawn other rebel types.
- Ruler death reason is now more consistent with the stability hit.
- Fixed localisation error in consort event 56.
- Consort event 202 now clears flags properly.
- Fixed localisation error in consort event 104.
- Consort event 1 will now pick description as intended.
- Fixed Naval Casualties being counted twice.
- Fixed partial ship losses being counted for actual lost ships.
- Fixed any script effect with sufficient randomness (like define_consort)
showing in the tooltip stats that differ from the actual ones if used inside
an if effect or a while effect.
- Occupied provinces no longer count as blockaded provinces for war
- Fixed a limit issue for shock_damage_received and
sunk_ship_morale_hit_recieved modifiers.
- Fixed a crash in export_to_variable effect.
- Fixed various tooltip issues related to country missions.
- Fix for cores removed when forming nations from Custom Nations.
- Naive Enthusiast特質會給予負面性質的圖示
- Fanatic Collectivist成就只看有沒有拿到所有起源地
- 1705年後開局的大不列顛會確實擁有國會
- Impact of Unrest is no longer shown in delayed tooltip when you have FoW
over it.
- Artillery cost tooltip is now correct, and value is also hidden when no
artillery discovered.
- Fixed tooltip of artillery button when no artillery is discovered.
- Croatian dynamic province name for the province of Sopron is now properly
- Broken spy networks after conquests are now reset at the end of the month
- Fixed a bug that caused sorties button to be shown at times even if you did
not own Art of War.
- Fixed some colonial events not triggering in random new worlds.
- There is no longer an extra erroneous statement that corruption will
increase minimum autonomy in capitals.
- The Cardinal in Administration modifier will now be removed if you switch
- Improved naval mission aggressiveness tooltips.
- Named regents in country history window will no longer have their name
- Ideas View: Added effect on estate loyalty to tooltip for fully unlocking
an idea group.
- The "Blockade!" event will no longer have an option to send overland help
if it triggers for an island.
- Fixed bad pronouns in an advisor event.
- Fixed bug where you could escape bad effects of an event by clicking raise
autonomy on a province.
- The Boundary Conflict Random Event will no longer target undiscovered
- has_dlc trigger tooltip will now change accordingly for NOT.
- 修正英文與德文版讀取畫面提示文字的錯誤
- Fixed bad references to personalities in some events and in scripted
- Fixed Brandenburgian flavor event 6 apply part of its effects for Rights of
Man Owners twice instead of having one effect for having the dlc and one for
not having it.
- Fetishist event 4 will now set ruler modifiers instead of capital province
- Jolof country file is now properly encoded.
- 移除布蘭登堡與曼圖亞的沒用婚姻
- Changed tooltip structure of Random event 5082 to make options easier to
- Fixed: "blocked"/"passable" words weren't being localized.
- Jan Mayen now spawn with 100k sailors (previously 0).
- Fixed: Ask to become March message wrote wrong country's name in the header.
- Hunting pirates will no longer grant trade power.
- 修正波蘭選舉制的王儲能力,本土貴族的能力會比外國的與世襲的略高
- Aow Event 31, Early Reformers, is now slightly more rare and can only
happen within 50 years of the start of the reformation.
- Fixed typoes in some national idea descriptions.
- Fixed issue with corruption event 2, Trust thy neighbor, triggering without
an effect if you already had 3 stability.
- Ethiopian Church Building events should now be more rare.
- coptic_flavor.20, Monastic School, now gives a small sum of money if you
pick to abstain.
- Added Tooltip to Spanish flavor event letting you expell the moors
explaining that if you promise to tolerate them and then break your promise
everything will not be fine.
- Starting hint about monarch power now more relevant to how the game works.
- Religion conversion window will no longer reset daily, disrupting tooltips.
- Guarantees and warning are now shown on the diplomatic mapmode.
- British missions to establish trade in an american trade node and
monopolizing a cot now look to the mission taker rather than both England and
Great Britain.
- Colony maintenance cost is no longer affected by development.
- Readded min value for tradition/prestige gain factors and increased
tradition gain.
- The AI no longer gets acceptance penalties for too many relations if they
already have a relation taking a diplomatic slot with the other nation.
- Battle result screen now longer has horses sticking their nose out of the
- Alert that you can rent out Condottieri now shows even if you don't have a
free diplomat.
- Fixed that Remove Estate effect had Set Estate tooltip.
- Occupied or besieged capital will no longer increase colonist travel time
to maximum.
- "Not enough rivals" alert will no longer show up if there are no rivals
that can be picked.
- Fixed land forcelimit autonomy modifier tooltip.
- Fixed that you could declare war in regency if declare war screen was
already open.
- Province autonomy effects will no longer have an empty list of effects in
the province view tooltip.
- Province unrest effects will no longer have an empty list of effects in the
province view tooltip.
- Multiplayer "Start game" button will no longer lie about needing more than
one player to start a game.
- Fixed typo in dynastic event 9489, The Moon.
- Würtemberger ideas now properly referred to as that.
- Corrected war check in Brandenburg event about the Pawning of Neumark.
- Text for unlocking the Colonialism institution is now slightly different if
you're unlikely to have crossed the Atlantic.
- Clarified tooltip on tribal decisions.
- Fixed wrong localisation key used to refer to government type in two places.
- Event that asks you to release the papal state no longer makes you to hate
yourself for being a bad catholic.
- Fixed issue which made it impossible to get the east india trade route
triggered modifier.
- Fixed bug causing huge border distance.
- 幼主成年時不會出現太后死亡的訊息,而是會交待太后和平退居幕後
- Damaged units will no longer prioritized to start at the center of the
battle, but will be the last to enter the battlefield instead.
- Cavalry will now get position better for flanking.
- Fixed WAR_LENGTH_DAMAGE_MODIFIER having barely any effect.
- Independence guarantee tooltip in diplomatic mapmode is no longer reverted.
- Fixed that Consort was blocked from having same personality as the Heir in
Nation Designer, and related tooltips.
- Fixed that Nation Designer made consorts were not saved.
- Fixed poorly scripted parliament debate.
- The option to become a personal union minor under France in Naples flavor
event 1 now uses a proper tooltip to show you what is to come.
- Fixed bug that lesser in Union told their overlord about war plans due to
mutual ruler having loose lips.
- Fixed bug that caused mass-repeated "there will be blood" messages.
- Marches no longer claim they give you tax in the Subjects UI.
- The event "Claims on our Rivals" will no longer target your unowned cores.
- Fixed Revolutionary flags shown as white in text.
- Fixed not being able to Fortify March despite owning Common Sense if not
owning Rights of Man DLC.
- Fixed that Random New World was generated with single black pixels
occasionally, causing lots of problems.
- HRE Eligibility will now check the current ruler if the target is not the
current emperor, and the heir if they are, instead of both.
- "Morale hit when losing a ship" modifier is now shown as a negative
modifier instead of positive.
- Changing to a non-monarchy form of government now also removes the home of
spouse province modifier if your consort is a commoner.
- The Home of Consort production efficiency boost is no longer countrywide.
- Fixed some issue where Tengri Event 6 could sometimes trigger with one
meaningless effect.
- Fixed some mercantilism triggers that had been missed when refactoring to
whole numbers.
作者: jonathan836 (魏奇˙安提利斯)   2016-11-11 18:53:00
作者: y2468101216 (芸)   2016-11-11 19:02:00
作者: louis210000 (louis210000)   2016-11-11 19:30:00
作者: Yshuan (倚絃)   2016-11-11 19:39:00
作者: LI40 (WanNiang)   2016-11-11 19:56:00
作者: sameber520 (請給我蘿莉)   2016-11-11 21:02:00
地形不影響戰場寬度 那斯坎德培要怎麼活阿
作者: Comartin38 (CM)   2016-11-11 21:05:00
作者: islandape (島猿)   2016-11-11 21:45:00
作者: s8018572 (好想睡覺)   2016-11-11 22:18:00
作者: DogEggz (DogEggz)   2016-11-11 22:22:00
骰子減成還是在啦 P社是說想加快戰鬥速度
作者: evilcherry (邪離子)   2016-11-11 22:36:00
作者: Hidakayuzuki (日高優月)   2016-11-11 22:38:00
Beta 怎麼更@@
作者: leon123811 (毓颺)   2016-11-12 00:01:00
作者: michaelxxx (abcd)   2016-11-12 00:03:00
作者: jonathan836 (魏奇˙安提利斯)   2016-11-12 00:05:00
作者: Comartin38 (CM)   2016-11-12 00:08:00
作者: nanshinner (白河)   2016-11-12 10:55:00
作者: check3210 (丹羽 柚子)   2016-11-12 11:38:00
這樣貿易跟禁運也可以改了 我覺得新的產品系統很不錯
作者: Yshuan (倚絃)   2016-11-12 13:54:00
我發現不協防就會掉5信任 這個也比外交聲望1點來的傷
作者: goodgodgd (快叫我小白兔)   2016-11-13 14:51:00
作者: pointer258 (123)   2016-11-13 16:41:00
作者: Comartin38 (CM)   2016-11-14 18:48:00
最新消息:新的堡壘系統確定被放棄了Johan: We've listened. @E_Universalis 1.19 FortSystem is being reverted.
作者: Yshuan (倚絃)   2016-11-14 18:58:00
很多Area不合理吧光是島群就不科學 要排除這些例外 實作又會很煩
作者: SeraNido (昏睡模式)   2016-11-21 15:02:00
推翻譯 布蘭登堡那個婚姻真的很沒用

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