Re: [其他] Game of Zones - S5:E4: The Raid on Stables Castle

作者: PegasusSeiya ( )   2018-05-05 11:25:49
※ 引述《smalldata (Data)》之銘言:
: 頻道名稱: Bleacher Report
: 頻道連結:
實在太好笑了, 試著翻譯看看到攻城前段, 想繼續看我在繼續翻多一點 XD
JH: Do you know why the whole world gates a clipper?
JH: You're just a whiny little baby, who's far too slow on the flop
你就是個愛哭鬼, 連學爬地板都很慢的小baby
AR: Are you ashamed of me, father?
拔, 你覺得我很丟臉嗎?
DR: You are the former first-team All-ACC McDonald's All-Amercian Naismith
Prep Player of the year, and you are my son
你是前ACC第一隊, 麥當勞全美年度球員, 以及我的兒子
JH: I bet you need whole new library just for all defensive plays
MDA: Oh, no no no. None of that here. I say, half the defense,
double the offsense
噢不不不, 這沒那種東西, 防守砍半, 進攻加倍
JH: Oh! What happened to Lord Commander? Are you OK?
啊! 司令大人怎麼了? 還好嗎?
GG: He was attacked... at the end of the 4th quarter, by the Jester
他在第四節末的時候, 被小丑襲擊了 (宮廷劇裡的那種)
TA: While the Rivers boy laughed
JH: I will break their ankles!
MDA: Nay nay..
(Nay nay...)
TA: Nene's in the other tent. Should I get him?
Nene在另一個帳篷啦, 要叫他來嗎?
MDA: I mean no. Violence is not the answer
我是說... 不. 暴力不是解答
CP3: But sometimes, it is
但有時候, 是的 (看著Barnes的照片)
MDA: It's futile, Chris. You know the gates of Stable Castle are impregnable
沒用的Chris, 你知道Stable城堡是堅不可摧的
CP3: There are other ways in!
CP3: Now House Clippers share their castle with House Lakers, which means
doubly fortified walls. They were reinforced the protect Kobe from Shaq
after his exile, and then re-reinforced to protect Jobe from Dwight, and
then re-reinforeced to protect Kobe from trying to unretire
現在快艇還有湖人共用這城堡, 這也代表他們城牆加倍防禦. 不僅流放Shaq後加強
鞏固Kobe, 也防止Dwigh, 同時也要確保Kobe他不會再復出了
CP3: It won't be easy, I'll need our best five
這不簡單, 我要我們最佳的五人
CP3: So that's me, James, Clint, Trevor, Eric... or Ryan... wait no. We need
someone expendable... a journeyman
我, 鬍子, Clint, Trevor, Eric... or Ryan... 等一下, 我們還要個可以擋一下
的... 浪人
CP3: You. What's your name?
你, 什麼名字?
GG: Green, Sir. Just signed a 10-day
長官我叫小綠, 剛簽10天約
CP3: You're in.
CP3: The Stable Castle has a secret back entrance, a wheelchair ramp built for
Sir Paul Pierce. Synchronize your sundiasls, if we time it right, we can
slice through their lazy zone defense at the rear gates
Stable城堡有一個秘密後門, 由Paul Pierce隊長建立的輪椅通道. 看好你日晷時間
TA: Ah, a backdoor cut
噢~ 開後門嗎
CP3: Exactly, but we'll need a distraction.
沒錯, 我們還需要分散他們注意力
CP3: That's where you come in, Clint
就你了, Clint
作者: jlincredible (松山林書豪)   2018-05-05 11:46:00
JH嗆CP3最會whine也很好笑 這集超多梗 謝謝翻譯

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