Re: [影片] Michael Jordan 滯空投籃特輯

作者: Alfred (let's go )   2010-06-29 13:23:04
※ 引述《KETA (千刀萬里殺)》之銘言:
: 如標題所示,
: 與以往的拉竿、扣籃影片不同,
: 這部的主題是Jordan的投籃特輯,
: 別有一番享受。
: 作者在前面敘述中說"我希望你們可以學到更多Jordan的跳投"
: 不過我們只是一般人,
: 應該學不太起來 囧
: 學的起來的話在球場上應該是無敵的了
: 從1984年一直到2003年都有,
: 衡跨了20年3個年代,
: 可以發現Jordan的投籃隨著年份
: 動作越來越流暢,
: 前面令人讚嘆的是其驚人速度爆發力與滯空時間,
: 後面則是驚嘆其出手時機與動作流暢感,
: 但相同的是手感都相當好。
: 影片長達11分鐘,
: 邊看邊搖頭,心裡想;怎麼能做到那樣的動作呢.......
theAIRJORDANblitz | 西元2010年06月26日 | 11 分鐘
It is important to read what I type here.... so I've been asked questions
like this: "Bruce, I know defenses were more physical and harder to beat when
Jordan played, but why do I see him getting so many good looks with his
Well folks, I must say, that's a great question to ask, instead of just
making blanket assumptions. First and foremost, thank you to
hoopsencyclopedia for the footage I'm using early on in this series, but let
me answer that question for everyone....
Michael Jordan had 3 different types of jump shots he liked to use, his ball
in hand jumper (basically any jumper he took by creating a look off the
dribble), his transition jumper (basically any jumper in transition before
the defense could load up on him), and his catch & shoot jumper (you see guys
like Ray Allen and Kevin Durant use that today.)
1.Ball in Hand Jumper 自己帶球創造機會
2.Transition Jumper 利用防守轉換的時機投籃
3.Catch & Shoot Jumper 利用跑位接球投籃
With the ball in hand jumper, Michael Jordan was able to use rocker steps,
jab steps, step backs, pivots, pump fakes, quick lateral moves, screens, and
much more to shake his defenders in order to get a good look. Defenders were
afraid of Jordan's drive to the basket, so all it took was selling body
language to appear as though MJ was gonna head to the basket and that alone
created separation and put defenders on their heels. Also Michael Jordan's
pull up jumper off the dribble was so hard to defend, because he would head
to the basket at full speed, stop on a dime, and pull up for a jumper. So
many times with Michael Jordan's pull up jumper you would see defenders fall
right out of contesting range because he was so agile and his ability to
raise up so fast took the defense right out of position to contest the
jumper. Jordan made so many contested jump shots in his career, but the mark
of a great player isn't making a contested jumper, the mark of a legend is
shaking defenders in order to get a clean shot. There are players today like
Kobe Bryant who are not consistently great at shaking defenders the way
Jordan was, also the catch & shoot as well as the transition jumper is
missing from Kobe's arsenal from a consistent basis.
One thing to notice about the evolution of Jordan's jumper is this, early in
Jordan's career you saw more jumpers with his momentum coming towards the
basket, which is very hard to execute, as his athleticism started to leave
him a bit, he started using the fadeaway and lateral jumpers to beat
defenders. Players like LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony, and Kobe
Bryant have tried to emulate Jordan's "aging" jumper, and never mastered that
floating forward momentum jumper Jordan mastered as a young lion.
So when you take the sum of the whole parts, the ball in hand jumpers, the
catch & shoot jumpers, and the transition jumpers to go along with the
driving ability Jordan displayed, that's why he was such a versatile and
literally unstoppable player.
The thing I want to point out to you is this, on most highlight videos on
youtube, when they display Jordan's catch and shoot jumper, they do not show
how he got open. So when you see Jordan perform a catch and shoot jumper,
just keep in mind the scrambling, cutting, or slick court placement he used
before taking and making that catch and shoot jumper. The only way to defend
a player so great at working without the ball is a man to man defense, with
help loaded up to contain his driving ability.
This video features Michael Jordan's "ball in hand" moves, aka off the
dribble jumpers.
作者另外表示,以catch and shoot為例,多數的highlight都只呈現最後的投籃部分,
作者: bestandy1044 (清寒的補教業者)   2010-06-29 13:28:00
作者: lego0922 (崇尚自然)   2010-06-29 13:36:00
作者: godsaveme   2010-06-29 13:42:00
作者說要先做Catch & Shoot Jumper和Transition Jumper
作者: godsaveme   2010-06-29 13:43:00
之後再回頭做Ball in Hand Jumper的PART2
作者: ksk0516 (ksk0516)   2010-06-29 13:53:00
作者: kinkijay   2010-06-29 13:56:00
作者: Bung   2010-06-29 14:12:00
作者: mattcobras (炎熇兵燹)   2010-06-29 14:32:00
作者: penny1119 (cwhan)   2010-06-29 14:42:00
作者: abidog (~$#煞氣ㄟa批#$~)   2010-06-29 14:45:00
作者: henryrita (顆顆)   2010-06-29 14:46:00
作者: cvincent (Vincent)   2010-06-29 14:58:00
作者: kelvinchang (heartnsoul)   2010-06-29 15:40:00
作者: fleetcloud (ã„Ÿ~~值得商確)   2010-06-29 15:48:00
前傾可以賺犯規吧...而且省力 不過原因仍是問號
作者: melo310269 (大頭)   2010-06-29 17:56:00
作者: z063766   2010-06-29 18:04:00
作者: mw1128 (波希米亞人)   2010-06-29 18:25:00
作者: mattcobras (炎熇兵燹)   2010-06-29 19:04:00
作者: sonico (笑笑生 :))   2010-06-29 19:26:00
作者: jptr (跳跳虎)   2010-06-29 21:05:00
作者: acenova (歸零)   2010-06-29 22:14:00
跳了再傾 會跌倒
作者: KETA (不用錢的最貴)   2010-06-29 23:51:00
好強大的翻譯 推一個
作者: KETA (不用錢的最貴)   2010-06-29 23:56:00
作者: KETA (不用錢的最貴)   2010-06-29 23:57:00
作者: stevendamn (我何嘗不想退團啊...)   2010-06-30 00:59:00
是不是因為年青以切入為主的時候 很多跳投是在本來要切
作者: stevendamn (我何嘗不想退團啊...)   2010-06-30 01:00:00
入的一半或是準備啟動時突然轉換的 所以重心會較往前?
作者: ATHENS2004 (BB霜擦了可以全反射^^)   2010-06-30 11:16:00
優質好文應該M起來 ^^
作者: joseph103331 (小黃加大黃)   2010-06-30 15:43:00
前傾相對不穩定 而且攻擊距離短一點
作者: fiaoms (∮)   2010-07-01 17:56:00

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